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<br />Test this.<br /><br /> &quot; &lt;!DOCTYPE MSIGDB [ <br />&quot; &lt;!ELEMENT MSIGDB GENESET*          -- top level container --&gt;
<br />
<pre>&quot; &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;<br />&quot; <!--<br />&quot;    This is the DTD for MSigDB.<br />&quot; It describes a format for a database of gene sets that captures<br />&quot; both the content of a gene set (i.e gene members) as well as annotation about<br />&quot; the gene set.<br />&quot; @VERSION 1.0 May 2006<br />&quot; @AUTHOR Aravind Subramanian<br />&quot; --><br />&quot; &lt;!DOCTYPE MSIGDB [<br />&quot; &lt;!ELEMENT MSIGDB GENESET*          -- top level container --&gt;<br />&quot; &lt;!ATTLIST MSIGDB<br />&quot;  NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- name of the database<br />&quot;  VERSION CDATA #REQUIRED -- version of the database<br />&quot; &gt;<br />&quot; <br />&quot; &lt;!ELEMENT GENESET                  -- a single gene set --&gt;<br />&quot; &lt;!ATTLIST GENESET<br />&quot; STANDARD_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- an english name for the gene set<br />&quot; SYSTEMATIC_NAME CDATA #REQUIRED -- a systematized identifier<br />&quot; ORGANISM CDATA #REQUIRED -- organism in which the geneset was generated<br />&quot; EXTERNAL_DETAILS_URL CDATA             -- 3rd party url for more info<br />&quot; CHIP CDATA #REQUIRED -- platform on which the geneset was generated<br />&quot; CATEGORY_CODE CDATA (C1|C2|C3|C4)<br />&quot; SUB_CATEGORY_CODE CDATA (CYTO|PATH|ONTO|CURT|PERT|MODL|CLIN|REPM|TFAC|NEGH) <br />&quot; CONTRIBUTOR CDATA #REQUIRED -- name of person/database that curated the set<br />&quot; PMID CDATA -- PubMed ID if available<br />&quot; GEOID CDATA -- GEO ID if available<br />&quot; DESCRIPTION CDATA -- a full detailed desc or abstract<br />&quot; DESCRIPTION_BRIEF CDATA #REQUIRED -- a brief 1 line description<br />&quot; %MESH CDATA -- keywords and MESH identifiers<br />&quot; %MEMBERS CDATA #REQUIRED -- Genes in the native format<br />&quot; %MEMBERS_SYMBOLIZED CDATA #REQUIRED -- Genes after converting to gene symbols<br />&quot; &gt;<br />&quot; ]&gt;</pre>

Revision as of 12:57, 24 March 2006

" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br />" <!--<br />"     	This is the DTD for MSigDB.<br />" 	It describes a format for a database of gene sets that captures<br />" 	both the content of a gene set (i.e gene members) as well as annotation about<br />" 	the gene set.<br />" 	@VERSION 1.0 May 2006<br />" 	@AUTHOR Aravind Subramanian<br />" --><br />" <!DOCTYPE MSIGDB [<br />" <!ELEMENT MSIGDB GENESET*          	-- top level container --><br />" <!ATTLIST MSIGDB<br />"   	NAME	CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- name of the database<br />"   	VERSION	CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- version of the database<br />" ><br />" <br />" <!ELEMENT GENESET                  	-- a single gene set --><br />" <!ATTLIST GENESET<br />" 	STANDARD_NAME		CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- an english name for the gene set<br />" 	SYSTEMATIC_NAME		CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- a systematized identifier<br />" 	ORGANISM		CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- organism in which the geneset was generated<br />" 	EXTERNAL_DETAILS_URL	CDATA	    	        -- 3rd party url for more info<br />" 	CHIP			CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- platform on which the geneset was generated<br />" 	CATEGORY_CODE		CDATA	(C1|C2|C3|C4)<br />" 	SUB_CATEGORY_CODE	CDATA	(CYTO|PATH|ONTO|CURT|PERT|MODL|CLIN|REPM|TFAC|NEGH)	<br />" 	CONTRIBUTOR		CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- name of person/database that curated the set<br />" 	PMID			CDATA			-- PubMed ID if available<br />" 	GEOID			CDATA			-- GEO ID if available<br />" 	DESCRIPTION		CDATA			-- a full detailed desc or abstract<br />" 	DESCRIPTION_BRIEF	CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- a brief 1 line description<br />" 	%MESH			CDATA			-- keywords and MESH identifiers<br />" 	%MEMBERS		CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- Genes in the native format<br />" 	%MEMBERS_SYMBOLIZED	CDATA	#REQUIRED	-- Genes after converting to gene symbols<br />" ><br />" ]>