Demo instance for Bacillus anthracis
The manual and instructions to use GenomeView can be found on the GenomeView website. To run this application you need: Java 6 or newer and at least 1 Gb of free memory. A dual core processor is recommended but not required.
Start GenomeView with basic data (click me).
This basic data set includes the references sequence for Bacillus anthracis, as well as annotion of genes, rRNAs and tRNAs. Two sequencing data sets are included. One whole genome sequencing to discover variations and one RNA-seq data set*. The complete basic data set can be downloaded.
Multiple alignments
There are also two multiple alignments available. Both contain the same set of aligned species, but differ in format. The first is in multi-fasta format, the second in MAF format. The visualizations for both formats are slightly different. You can either download the files and load them from disk, or you can copy the URL and open the URL directly in GenomeView.
* Note: the RNA-seq experiment was post-processed to computationally remove rRNA and tRNA reads.