version development ## Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Giulio Genovese ## ## Version 2024-09-27 ## ## Contact Giulio Genovese ## ## This WDL workflow runs association analyses with REGENIE and PLINK2 ## ## Cromwell version support ## - Successfully tested on v87 ## ## Distributed under terms of the MIT License struct Reference { File? fasta File fasta_fai Int min_chr_len Int n_x_chr Int? par_bp1 Int? par_bp2 File? cyto_file File genetic_map_file String? pca_exclusion_regions File? gff3_file # File? rsid_vcf_file # File? rsid_vcf_idx } workflow assoc { input { String sample_set_id String? sex_specific # male female Float max_win_size_cm_step2 = 20.0 File sample_tsv_file File? keep_samples_file File? remove_samples_file Int min_mac_step1 = 10 Float min_maf_step1 = 0.01 Int min_mac_step2 = 10 Float? min_info_step2 File? covar_tsv_file File? pheno_tsv_file String? pop String dosage_field = "DS" String space_character = "_" Boolean binary = true Int min_case_count = 20 Int min_sex_count = 20 Int bsize_step1 = 1000 Int bsize_step2 = 400 Int max_vif = 2000 Float max_corr = 0.9999 Float cis_plot_min_af = 0.01 Boolean loocv = true String? regenie_step0_extra_args String? regenie_step1_extra_args String? regenie_step2_extra_args String? plink_extra_args Boolean step1 = true Boolean pgt_output = false Boolean pca = false Boolean step2 = true Boolean cis = false Boolean plot = true Int pca_ndim = 20 Int pca_cpus = 2 File? input_loco_lst String? input_loco_path File? input_firth_lst String? input_firth_path String ref_name = "GRCh38" String? ref_path String? ref_fasta String? ref_fasta_fai Int? min_chr_len Int? n_x_chr Int? par_bp1 Int? par_bp2 String? cyto_file String? genetic_map_file String? pca_exclusion_regions String? gff3_file String? rsid_vcf_file String? rsid_vcf_idx File? mocha_tsv_file # batch_id path pgt_vcf pgt_vcf_index String? mocha_data_path File? impute_tsv_file # batch_id path chr1_imp_vcf chr1_imp_vcf_index chr2_imp_vcf chr2_imp_vcf_index ... String? impute_data_path String basic_bash_docker = "debian:stable-slim" String pandas_docker = "amancevice/pandas:slim" String docker_repository = "" String bcftools_docker = "bcftools:1.20-20240927" String regenie_docker = "regenie:1.20-20240927" String r_mocha_docker = "r_mocha:1.20-20240927" } String docker_repository_with_sep = docker_repository + if docker_repository != "" && docker_repository == sub(docker_repository, "/$", "") then "/" else "" String filebase = sub(sample_set_id, "[ \t]", "_") + if defined(sex_specific) then space_character + select_first([sex_specific]) else "" String ref_path_with_sep = select_first([ref_path, ""]) + if defined(ref_path) && select_first([ref_path]) == sub(select_first([ref_path]), "/$", "") then "/" else "" Reference ref = object { fasta: if defined(ref_fasta) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([ref_fasta]) else if ref_name == "GRCh38" then ref_path_with_sep + "GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then ref_path_with_sep + "human_g1k_v37.fasta" else None, fasta_fai: if defined(ref_fasta_fai) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([ref_fasta_fai]) else if ref_name == "GRCh38" then ref_path_with_sep + "GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.fai" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then ref_path_with_sep + "human_g1k_v37.fasta.fai" else None, min_chr_len: select_first([min_chr_len, 3000000]), n_x_chr: select_first([n_x_chr, 23]), par_bp1: if defined(par_bp1) then select_first([par_bp1]) else if ref_name == "GRCh38" then 2781479 else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then 2699520 else None, par_bp2: if defined(par_bp2) then select_first([par_bp2]) else if ref_name == "GRCh38" then 155701383 else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then 154931044 else None, cyto_file: if defined(ref_path) || defined(cyto_file) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([cyto_file, "cytoBand.txt.gz"]) else None, genetic_map_file: if defined(genetic_map_file) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([genetic_map_file]) else if ref_name == "GRCh38" then ref_path_with_sep + "genetic_map_hg38_withX.txt.gz" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then ref_path_with_sep + "genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz" else None, pca_exclusion_regions: if defined(pca_exclusion_regions) then pca_exclusion_regions else if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "5:43999898-52204166,6:24999772-33532223,8:8142478-12142491,11:44978449-57232526" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "5:44000000-51500000,6:25000000-33500000,8:8000000-12000000,11:45000000-57000000" else None, gff3_file: if defined(gff3_file) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([gff3_file]) else None, rsid_vcf_file: if defined(rsid_vcf_file) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([rsid_vcf_file]) else None, rsid_vcf_idx: if defined(rsid_vcf_idx) then ref_path_with_sep + select_first([rsid_vcf_idx]) else None } Array[Array[String]] ref_fasta_fai_tbl = transpose(read_tsv(ref.fasta_fai)) scatter (idx in range(length(ref_fasta_fai_tbl[0]))) { Int fai_len = ref_fasta_fai_tbl[1][idx] if (fai_len > ref.min_chr_len && ref_fasta_fai_tbl[0][idx] != "Y" && ref_fasta_fai_tbl[0][idx] != "chrY") { String chrs = ref_fasta_fai_tbl[0][idx] Int lens = ref_fasta_fai_tbl[1][idx] } } if (defined(pheno_tsv_file)) { call prune_file { input: sex_specific = sex_specific, sample_tsv_file = sample_tsv_file, keep_samples_file = keep_samples_file, remove_samples_file = remove_samples_file, covar_tsv_file = covar_tsv_file, pheno_tsv_file = select_first([pheno_tsv_file]), space_character = space_character, binary = binary, min_case_count = min_case_count, min_sex_count = min_sex_count, filebase = filebase, docker = basic_bash_docker } } # REGENIE step 1 if (step1 || pca) { call ref_scatter as ref_scatter_step1 { input: chrs = select_all(chrs), lens = select_all(lens), genetic_map_file = ref.genetic_map_file, max_win_size_cm = 300.0, # until regenie updates, step 1 cannot be parallelized beyond the 23 chromosomes overlap_size_cm = 0.0, genetic_map_order = true, docker = pandas_docker } # read table with batches information (scatter could be avoided if there was a tail() function) Array[Array[String]] mocha_tsv = read_tsv(select_first([mocha_tsv_file])) Int n_mocha_batches = length(mocha_tsv)-1 scatter (idx in range(n_mocha_batches)) { Array[String] mocha_tsv_rows = mocha_tsv[(idx+1)] } Map[String, Array[String]] mocha_tbl = as_map(zip(mocha_tsv[0], transpose(mocha_tsv_rows))) # check if path is in mocha table (see Boolean is_path_in_mocha_tbl = length(collect_by_key(zip(flatten([keys(mocha_tbl),["path"]]),range(length(keys(mocha_tbl))+1)))["path"])>1 # compute data paths for each batch scatter (idx in range(n_mocha_batches)) { String mocha_data_paths_with_sep = (if defined(mocha_data_path) then sub(select_first([mocha_data_path]), "/$", "") + "/" else "") + (if is_path_in_mocha_tbl then sub(mocha_tbl["path"][idx], "/$", "") + "/" else "") } scatter (idx in range(n_mocha_batches)) { call vcf_scatter as pgt_scatter { input: vcf_file = mocha_data_paths_with_sep[idx] + mocha_tbl["pgt_vcf"][idx], intervals_bed = ref_scatter_step1.intervals_bed, keep_samples_file = prune_file.keep, remove_samples_file = remove_samples_file, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } Array[Array[File]] interval_slices = transpose(pgt_scatter.vcf_files) scatter (idx in range(length(interval_slices))) { if (length(interval_slices[idx])>1) { call vcf_merge as pgt_merge { input: vcf_files = interval_slices[idx], filebase = filebase + "." + idx, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } call pgt_prune { input: vcf_file = select_first([pgt_merge.vcf_file, interval_slices[idx][0]]), sample_tsv_file = sample_tsv_file, space_character = space_character, min_mac = min_mac_step1, min_maf = min_maf_step1, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } Int n_smpls = select_first([pgt_merge.n_smpls, pgt_scatter.n_smpls[0]]) if (step1) { call regenie_step0 { input: idx = idx, n_phenos = length(select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])), n_covars = length(flatten(select_all([prune_file.covar_names]))), n_smpls = n_smpls, n_markers = pgt_prune.n_markers, bed_file = pgt_prune.bed_file, bim_file = pgt_prune.bim_file, fam_file = pgt_prune.fam_file, covar_file = prune_file.covar, pheno_file = select_first([prune_file.pheno]), binary = binary, bsize = bsize_step1, loocv = loocv, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, regenie_step0_extra_args = regenie_step0_extra_args, filebase = filebase, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } } } call pgt_concat { input: bed_files = pgt_prune.bed_file, bim_files = pgt_prune.bim_file, fam_files = pgt_prune.fam_file, filebase = filebase + ".prune", docker = basic_bash_docker } if (pca && n_smpls[0] >= 50) { call plink_pca { input: n_smpls = n_smpls[0], n_markers = pgt_concat.n_markers, pca_ndim = pca_ndim, pca_cpus = pca_cpus, ids_files = pgt_scatter.ids_lines, bed_file = pgt_concat.bed_file, bim_file = pgt_concat.bim_file, fam_file = pgt_concat.fam_file, exclusion_regions = ref.pca_exclusion_regions, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, filebase = filebase, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } } if (step1) { Array[Array[File]] l0_files = transpose(select_all(regenie_step0.l0_files)) scatter (idx in range(length(l0_files))) { call regenie_step1 { input: pheno_name = select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])[idx], n_covars = length(flatten(select_all([prune_file.covar_names]))), n_smpls = n_smpls[0], n_markers = pgt_concat.n_markers, bed_file = pgt_concat.bed_file, bim_file = pgt_concat.bim_file, fam_file = pgt_concat.fam_file, covar_file = prune_file.covar, pheno_file = select_first([prune_file.pheno]), n_markers_array = pgt_prune.n_markers, l0_files = l0_files[idx], binary = binary, bsize = bsize_step1, loocv = loocv, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, regenie_step1_extra_args = regenie_step1_extra_args, filebase = filebase + space_character + select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])[idx], docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } String? loco_lines = if regenie_step1.loco_line == "" then None else regenie_step1.loco_line File? loco_file = if defined(loco_lines) then regenie_step1.loco_file else None if (binary) { String? firth_lines = if select_first([regenie_step1.firth_line]) == "" then None else select_first([regenie_step1.firth_line]) File? firth_file = if defined(firth_lines) then select_first([regenie_step1.firth_file]) else None } } # unnecessary task for compatibility with Terra call serialize_lines as loco_lst { input: lines = select_all(loco_lines), filename = filebase + "_pred.list", docker = basic_bash_docker } if (binary) { call serialize_lines as firth_lst { input: lines = select_all(firth_lines), filename = filebase + "_firth.list", docker = basic_bash_docker } } } } if (!step1) { if (defined(input_loco_lst) && defined(input_loco_path)) { scatter (line in read_lines(select_first([input_loco_lst]))) { File input_loco_files = sub(select_first([input_loco_path]), "/$", "") + '/' + sub(line, "^.*[ \t]", "") } } if (binary && defined(input_firth_lst) && defined(input_firth_path)) { scatter (line in read_lines(select_first([input_firth_lst]))) { File input_firth_files = sub(select_first([input_firth_path]), "/$", "") + '/' + sub(line, "^.*[ \t]", "") } } } # REGENIE step 2 if (step2 || cis) { call ref_scatter as ref_scatter_step2 { input: chrs = select_all(chrs), lens = select_all(lens), genetic_map_file = ref.genetic_map_file, max_win_size_cm = max_win_size_cm_step2, overlap_size_cm = 0.0, genetic_map_order = false, docker = pandas_docker } Array[Array[String]] intervals_tbl = transpose(read_tsv(ref_scatter_step2.intervals_bed)) # this is a trick to table how many intervals you will use for each chromosome Map[String, Array[Int]] chr_map = collect_by_key(zip(intervals_tbl[0], range(length(intervals_tbl[0])))) # read table with batches information (scatter could be avoided if there was a tail() function) Array[Array[String]] impute_tsv = read_tsv(select_first([impute_tsv_file])) Int n_impute_batches = length(impute_tsv)-1 scatter (idx in range(n_impute_batches)) { Array[String] impute_tsv_rows = impute_tsv[(idx+1)] } Map[String, Array[String]] impute_tbl = as_map(zip(impute_tsv[0], transpose(impute_tsv_rows))) # check if path is in impute table (see Boolean is_path_in_impute_tbl = length(collect_by_key(zip(flatten([keys(impute_tbl),["path"]]),range(length(keys(impute_tbl))+1)))["path"])>1 # compute data paths for each batch scatter (idx in range(n_impute_batches)) { String impute_data_paths_with_sep = (if defined(impute_data_path) then sub(select_first([impute_data_path]), "/$", "") + "/" else "") + (if is_path_in_impute_tbl then sub(impute_tbl["path"][idx], "/$", "") + "/" else "") } scatter (p in cross(range(n_impute_batches), range(length(select_all(chrs))))) { File imp_vcf_file = impute_data_paths_with_sep[p.left] + impute_tbl[("chr" + sub(select_all(chrs)[p.right], "^chr", "") + "_imp_vcf")][p.left] if (length(chr_map[(select_all(chrs)[p.right])]) > 1) { call vcf_scatter { input: vcf_file = imp_vcf_file, intervals_bed = ref_scatter_step2.intervals_bed, keep_samples_file = prune_file.keep, remove_samples_file = remove_samples_file, chr = select_all(chrs)[p.right], dosage_field = dosage_field, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } Int cross_idx = p.right Array[File] scatter_vcf_files = select_first([vcf_scatter.vcf_files, [imp_vcf_file]]) } Map[Int, Array[Array[File]]] idx2vcf_files = collect_by_key(zip(cross_idx, scatter_vcf_files)) scatter (idx in range(length(select_all(chrs)))) { Array[Array[File]] slices_vcf_files = transpose(idx2vcf_files[idx]) } Array[Array[File]] matrix_vcf_files = flatten(slices_vcf_files) if (step2) { # generate list of expected output association files scatter (line in read_lines(select_first([firth_lst.file, loco_lst.file, input_firth_lst, input_loco_lst]))) { String regenie_suffix = sub(line, " .*$", "") + (if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else "") + ".regenie.gz" # } } # merging has to happen at the VCF level as plink2 does not currently merge pgen files # scatter (idx in range(length(matrix_vcf_files))) { if (length(matrix_vcf_files[idx])>1 || defined(min_mac_step2)) { call vcf_merge { input: vcf_files = matrix_vcf_files[idx], min_mac = min_mac_step2, filebase = filebase + "." + idx, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } call vcf2pgen { input: vcf_file = select_first([vcf_merge.vcf_file, matrix_vcf_files[idx][0]]), sample_tsv_file = sample_tsv_file, dosage_field = dosage_field, space_character = space_character, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, par_bp1 = ref.par_bp1, par_bp2 = ref.par_bp2, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } if (step2) { call regenie_step2 { input: chr = intervals_tbl[0][idx], n_phenos = length(select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])), n_covars = length(flatten(select_all([prune_file.covar_names]))), n_smpls = vcf2pgen.n_smpls, n_markers = vcf2pgen.n_markers, fasta_fai = ref.fasta_fai, pgen_file = vcf2pgen.pgen_file, pvar_file = vcf2pgen.pvar_file, psam_file = vcf2pgen.psam_file, covar_file = prune_file.covar, pheno_file = select_first([prune_file.pheno]), pop = pop, regenie_suffix = select_first([regenie_suffix]), # binary = binary, bsize = bsize_step2, min_info = min_info_step2, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, regenie_step2_extra_args = regenie_step2_extra_args, loco_lst = select_first([loco_lst.file, input_loco_lst]), loco_files = select_first([loco_files, input_loco_files]), firth_lst = if binary then select_first([firth_lst.file, input_firth_lst]) else None, firth_files = if binary then select_first([firth_files, input_firth_files]) else None, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } } } if (step2) { call vcf_concat { input: vcf_files = select_all(regenie_step2.vcf_file), ref_fasta = if defined(ref.gff3_file) then ref.fasta else None, fasta_fai = if defined(ref.gff3_file) then ref.fasta_fai else None, gff3_file = ref.gff3_file, rsid_vcf_file = ref.rsid_vcf_file, rsid_vcf_idx = ref.rsid_vcf_idx, filebase = filebase + (if length(select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])) == 1 then "." + select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])[0] else "") + (if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else "") + ".gwas", docker = docker_repository_with_sep + bcftools_docker } Array[Array[File]] regenie_matrix_files = transpose(select_all(regenie_step2.regenie_files)) scatter (idx in range(length(regenie_matrix_files))) { call assoc_concat as regenie_concat { input: assoc_files = regenie_matrix_files[idx], n_x_chr = ref.n_x_chr, filebase = filebase + "." + select_first([regenie_suffix])[idx], docker = docker_repository_with_sep + bcftools_docker } if (plot && regenie_concat.has_data) { call assoc_plot as regenie_plot { input: assoc_file = regenie_concat.file, genome = if ref_name == "GRCh38" || ref_name == "GRCh37" then ref_name else None, cyto_file = ref.cyto_file, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, filebase = basename(filebase + "." + select_first([regenie_suffix])[idx], ".gz"), docker = docker_repository_with_sep + r_mocha_docker } } } } if (cis) { Array[String]+ lines = if defined(loco_lst.file) || defined(input_loco_lst) then read_lines(select_first([loco_lst.file, input_loco_lst])) else select_first([prune_file.pheno_names]) scatter (idx in range(length(lines))) { String plink_pheno_names = if defined(loco_lst.file) || defined(input_loco_lst) then sub(lines[idx], " .*$", "") else lines[idx] String plink_pheno_chrs = sub(sub(sub(plink_pheno_names, "_.*$", ""), "[pq]*$", ""), "Y", "X") # check if plink_pheno_chrs is present in the chr2idx to know whether the cis association should be run (see Int? cis_idx = if length(collect_by_key(zip(flatten([keys(chr2idx),[plink_pheno_chrs]]),range(length(keys(chr2idx))+1)))[plink_pheno_chrs])>1 then idx else None } # this map, given a chromosome (1, 2, ..., X), returns the indexes of the intervals for that chromosomes scatter (chr in intervals_tbl[0]) { String chr_string = sub(chr, "^chr", "") } Map[String, Array[Int]] chr2idx = collect_by_key(zip(chr_string, range(length(intervals_tbl[0])))) # the following code checks that the chromosome name is in the list of available chromosomes scatter (idx in select_all(cis_idx)) { Array[Pair[Int, Int]] pheno_interval_pairs = cross([idx], chr2idx[(plink_pheno_chrs[idx])]) } # maybe I should test whether the interval falls under the event or not String x_chr_num = ref.n_x_chr scatter (p in flatten(pheno_interval_pairs)) { Int pheno_idx = p.left call plink_glm { input: chr_num = sub(plink_pheno_chrs[p.left], "X", x_chr_num), pheno_name = plink_pheno_names[p.left], n_phenos = length(select_first([prune_file.pheno_names])), n_covars = length(flatten(select_all([prune_file.covar_names]))), n_smpls = vcf2pgen.n_smpls[p.right], n_markers = vcf2pgen.n_markers[p.right], pgen_file = vcf2pgen.pgen_file[p.right], pvar_file = vcf2pgen.pvar_file[p.right], psam_file = vcf2pgen.psam_file[p.right], loco_file = if defined(loco_files) || defined(input_loco_files) then select_first([loco_files, input_loco_files])[p.left] else None, covar_file = prune_file.covar, pheno_file = select_first([prune_file.pheno]), binary = binary, max_vif = max_vif, max_corr = max_corr, plink_extra_args = plink_extra_args, docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } } Map[Int, Array[File]] idx2assoc_files = collect_by_key(zip(pheno_idx, plink_glm.assoc_file)) scatter (idx in select_all(cis_idx)) { call assoc_concat as plink_concat { input: assoc_files = idx2assoc_files[idx], n_x_chr = ref.n_x_chr, zst = true, filebase = filebase + "." + plink_pheno_names[idx] + ".glm." + (if binary then "logistic.hybrid" else "linear") + ".gz", docker = docker_repository_with_sep + regenie_docker } if (plot && plink_concat.has_data) { call assoc_plot as plink_plot { input: assoc_file = plink_concat.file, genome = if ref_name == "GRCh38" || ref_name == "GRCh37" then ref_name else None, cyto_file = ref.cyto_file, autosome_ct = if ref.n_x_chr == 23 then None else ref.n_x_chr - 1, min_af = cis_plot_min_af, filebase = filebase + "." + plink_pheno_names[idx] + ".glm." + (if binary then "logistic.hybrid" else "linear"), docker = docker_repository_with_sep + r_mocha_docker } } } } } output { File? bed_file = if pgt_output then pgt_concat.bed_file else None File? bim_file = if pgt_output then pgt_concat.bim_file else None File? fam_file = if pgt_output then pgt_concat.fam_file else None File? eigenvec_file = plink_pca.eigenvec_file File? eigenval_file = plink_pca.eigenval_file File? pcs_tsv_file = plink_pca.pcs_tsv_file File? loco_lst_file = loco_lst.file Array[File]? loco_files = if defined(loco_file) then select_all(select_first([loco_file])) else None File? firth_lst_file = firth_lst.file Array[File]? firth_files = if defined(firth_file) then select_all(select_first([firth_file])) else None File? gwas_vcf_file = vcf_concat.vcf_file File? gwas_vcf_idx = vcf_concat.vcf_idx Array[File]? regenie_files = regenie_concat.file Array[File]? regenie_indexes = regenie_concat.index Array[File]? regenie_png_files = if step2 && plot then select_all(select_first([regenie_plot.png_file])) else None Array[File]? plink_files = plink_concat.file Array[File]? plink_indexes = plink_concat.index Array[File]? plink_png_files = if cis && plot then select_all(select_first([plink_plot.png_file])) else None Array[File]? regenie_step0_logs = if step1 then select_all(select_first([regenie_step0.log_file])) else None Array[File]? regenie_step1_logs = if step1 then select_all(select_first([regenie_step1.log_file])) else None Array[File]? regenie_step2_logs = if step2 then select_all(select_first([regenie_step2.log_file])) else None Array[File]? plink_logs = plink_glm.log_file } meta { author: "Giulio Genovese" email: "" description: "See the [MoChA]( website for more information" } } task get_n { input { File file String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{file}" . grep -v ^# "~{basename(file)}" | wc -l rm "~{basename(file)}" >>> output { Int n = read_int(stdout()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # use of !(a!=b) due to bug Cromwell team will not fix: task prune_file { input { String? sex_specific File sample_tsv_file File? keep_samples_file File? remove_samples_file File? covar_tsv_file File pheno_tsv_file String space_character Boolean binary Int min_case_count Int min_sex_count String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([sample_tsv_file, keep_samples_file, remove_samples_file, covar_tsv_file, pheno_tsv_file]))}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . awk -F"\t" 'NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} NR>1 {sex=substr($(f["computed_gender"]),1,1); if (toupper(sex)=="M" || sex==1) printf "%s\t1\n",$(f["sample_id"])}' \ "~{basename(sample_tsv_file)}" > "~{filebase}.male" awk -F"\t" 'NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} NR>1 {sex=substr($(f["computed_gender"]),1,1); if (toupper(sex)=="F" || sex==2) printf "%s\t2\n",$(f["sample_id"])}' \ "~{basename(sample_tsv_file)}" > "~{filebase}.female" ~{if defined(sex_specific) || defined(keep_samples_file) then "cut -f1 \"" + filebase + "." + (if defined(sex_specific) then select_first([sex_specific]) else "male\" \"" + filebase + ".female") + "\"" + (if defined(keep_samples_file) then " | \\\n awk -F\"\\t\" 'NR==FNR {x[$1]++} NR>FNR && $1 in x' \"" + basename(select_first([keep_samples_file])) + "\" -" else "") + (if defined(remove_samples_file) then " | \\\n awk -F\"\\t\" 'NR==FNR {x[$1]++} NR>FNR && !($1 in x)' \"" + basename(select_first([remove_samples_file])) + "\" -" else "") + " > \"" + filebase + ".keep.lines\"\n" else ""}cat "~{filebase + "." + if defined(sex_specific) then select_first([sex_specific]) else "male\" \"" + filebase + ".female"}" | \ ~{if defined(remove_samples_file) then "awk -F\"\\t\" 'NR==FNR {x[$1]++} NR>FNR && !($1 in x)' \"" + basename(select_first([remove_samples_file])) + "\" - | \\\n " else "" + if defined(covar_tsv_file) then "awk -F\"\\t\" 'NR==FNR {x[$1]++} NR>FNR && $1 in x' \"" + basename(select_first([covar_tsv_file])) + "\" - | \\\n " else ""}awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR {x[$1]++} NR>FNR && (FNR==1 || $1 in x)' - "~{basename(pheno_tsv_file)}" > "~{filebase}.tmp" cat "~{filebase}.male" "~{filebase}.female" | \ awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR {sex[$1]=$2} NR>FNR && FNR==1 {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) pheno[i] = $i} NR>FNR && FNR>1 {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {if ($i==0) ctrls[i]++; if ($i==1) cases[i]++ if (sex[$1]==1 && $i!="NA") males[i]++; if (sex[$1]==2 && $i!="NA") females[i]++}} END {for (i in pheno) printf "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",pheno[i],ctrls[i],cases[i],males[i],females[i]}' \ - "~{filebase}.tmp" > "~{filebase}.cnt" awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR ~{if binary then "&& $2>=" + min_case_count + " && $3>=" + min_case_count else ""} && $~{ if defined(sex_specific) && !(select_first([sex_specific]) != "male") then "4" else if defined(sex_specific) && !(select_first([sex_specific]) != "female") then "5" else "4>=" + min_sex_count + " && $5"}>=~{min_sex_count} {keep[$1]++} NR>FNR {if (FNR==1) {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i in keep) col[j++]=i; printf "FID\tIID"} else {gsub(" ","~{space_character}",$1); printf "0\t%s",$1} for (i=0; i "~{filebase}.phe" ~{if defined(covar_tsv_file) then "cat \"" + filebase + "." + (if defined(sex_specific) then select_first([sex_specific]) else "male\" \"" + filebase + ".female") + "\" | \\\n" + " awk -F\"\\t\" 'NR==FNR {sex[$1]=$2} NR>FNR && (FNR==1 || $1 in sex) {if (FNR==1) printf \"FID\\tIID" + (if defined(sex_specific) then "" else "\\tsex") + "\"\n" + " else {sex_cov=sex[$1]; gsub(\" \",\"" + space_character + "\",$1); printf \"0\\t%s" + (if defined(sex_specific) then "" else "\\t%s") + "\",$1" + (if defined(sex_specific) then "" else ",sex_cov") + "}\n" + " for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf \"\\t%s\",$i; printf \"\\n\"}' \\\n" + " - \"" + basename(select_first([covar_tsv_file])) + "\" > \"" + filebase + ".cov\"\n" else if !defined(sex_specific) then "cat \"" + filebase + ".male\" \"" + filebase + ".female\" | \\\n" + " awk -F\"\\t\" '{if (NR==1) print \"FID\\tIID\\tsex\"; else printf \"0\\t%s\\t%s\\n\",$1,$2}' > \"" + filebase + ".cov\"\n" else ""}head -n1 "~{filebase}.phe" | cut -f3- | tr '\t' '\n' ~{if defined(covar_tsv_file) || !defined(sex_specific) then "head -n1 \"" + filebase + ".cov\" | cut -f3- | tr '\\t' '\\n' > \"" + filebase + ".cov.lines\"\n" else ""}rm "~{filebase}.male" "~{filebase}.female" "~{filebase}.tmp" "~{filebase}.cnt" echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([sample_tsv_file, keep_samples_file, remove_samples_file, covar_tsv_file, pheno_tsv_file]))}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { Array[String] pheno_names = read_lines(stdout()) Array[String]? covar_names = if defined(covar_tsv_file) || !defined(sex_specific) then read_lines(filebase + ".cov.lines") else None File? keep = if defined(sex_specific) || defined(keep_samples_file) then filebase + ".keep.lines" else None File pheno = filebase + ".phe" File? covar = if defined(covar_tsv_file) || !defined(sex_specific) then filebase + ".cov" else None } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task ref_scatter { input { Array[String]+ chrs Array[String]+ lens File genetic_map_file Float max_win_size_cm Float overlap_size_cm Boolean genetic_map_order String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{genetic_map_file}" . chrs=~{write_lines(chrs)} lens=~{write_lines(lens)} paste -d $'\t' $chrs $lens > chr2len.tsv python3 <>> output { File intervals_bed = "ref_scatter.bed" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # the command requires BCFtools 1.15 due to bug task vcf_scatter { input { File vcf_file File intervals_bed # zero-based intervals File? keep_samples_file File? remove_samples_file Int clevel = 2 String? chr String? dosage_field String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([vcf_file, intervals_bed, keep_samples_file, remove_samples_file]))}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if defined(chr) then "mv \"" + basename(intervals_bed) + "\" \"" + basename(intervals_bed, ".bed") + ".all.bed\"\n" + "awk -v chr=\"" + chr + "\" '$1==chr' \"" + basename(intervals_bed, ".bed") + ".all.bed\" > \"" + basename(intervals_bed) + "\"\n" + "rm \"" + basename(intervals_bed, ".bed") + ".all.bed\"" else ""} bcftools query --force-samples --list-samples ~{if defined(keep_samples_file) then "--samples-file \"" + basename(select_first([keep_samples_file])) + "\" " else if defined (remove_samples_file) then "--samples-file \"^" + basename(select_first([remove_samples_file])) + "\" " else ""}"~{basename(vcf_file)}" > "~{filebase}.ids.lines" cat "~{filebase}.ids.lines" | wc -l > awk -F"\t" '{print $1":"1+$2"-"$3"\t"NR-1}' "~{basename(intervals_bed)}" > regions.lines ~{if defined(keep_samples_file) then "bcftools view --no-version -Ou --samples-file \"" + basename(select_first([keep_samples_file])) + "\" --force-samples \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" |\n " else if defined (remove_samples_file) then "bcftools view --no-version -Ou --samples-file \"^" + basename(select_first([remove_samples_file])) + "\" --force-samples \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" |\n " else ""}bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ --remove ID,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,^FMT/GT~{if defined(dosage_field) then ",^FMT/DS" else ""} \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ ~{if defined(keep_samples_file) || defined(remove_samples_file) then "" else "\"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" "} | \ bcftools norm \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ --rm-dup exact \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} | \ bcftools +scatter \ --no-version \ --output-type b~{clevel} \ --output vcfs \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ --scatter-file regions.lines \ --prefix "~{filebase}." cut -f2 regions.lines | sed 's/^/vcfs\/~{filebase}./;s/$/.bcf/' echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([vcf_file, intervals_bed, keep_samples_file, remove_samples_file]))}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm rm regions.lines >>> output { Int n_smpls = read_int("") File ids_lines = filebase + ".ids.lines" Directory vcfs = "vcfs" Array[File] vcf_files = read_lines(stdout()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_merge { input { Array[File]+ vcf_files Int? min_mac Int clevel = 2 String filebase String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_files, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10 + 2.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) command <<< set -euo pipefail ~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then "vcf_files=" else ""}~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then write_lines(vcf_files) else ""} ~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then "cat $vcf_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 mv -t .\n" + "sed -i 's/^.*\\///' $vcf_files\n" + "bcftools merge \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type " + (if defined(min_mac) then "u" else "b" + clevel + " \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".bcf\"") + " \\\n" + " --file-list $vcf_files \\\n" + " --merge none \\\n" + " --no-index \\\n" + (if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else "") + (if defined(min_mac) then " | \\\n" + "bcftools view \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type b" + clevel + " \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".bcf\" \\\n" + " --min-ac " + min_mac + ":nonmajor" else "") else if defined(min_mac) then "bcftools view \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type b" + clevel + " \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".bcf\" \\\n" + " --min-ac " + min_mac + ":nonmajor \\\n" + " \"" + vcf_files[0] + "\"" else "mv \"" + vcf_files[0] + "\" \"" + filebase + ".bcf\""} bcftools query --list-samples "~{filebase}.bcf" | wc -l ~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then "cat $vcf_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 rm" else ""} >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" Int n_smpls = read_int(stdout()) } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # this command needs PLINK 1.9 as conversion from VCF using PLINK 2.0 is inefficient: # the U sex needs to be encoded as 0 as this is the only accepted value for PLINK 1.9: # use of !(a!=b) due to bug Cromwell team will not fix: # the command requires BCFtools 1.14 due to bug task pgt_prune { input { File vcf_file File sample_tsv_file String space_character Int min_mac Float min_maf Int? autosome_ct String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * vcf_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{sample_tsv_file}" . awk 'NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} NR>1 {id=$(f["sample_id"]); gsub(" ","~{space_character}",id); print 0,id,toupper(substr($(f["computed_gender"]),1,1))}' "~{basename(sample_tsv_file)}" | \ sed 's/U$/0/;s/K$/1/' > "~{filebase}.sex" rm "~{basename(sample_tsv_file)}" bcftools +fill-tags --no-version -Ou --include 'sum(AC)>=~{min_mac} && AN-sum(AC)>=~{min_mac} && MAF>=~{min_maf}' "~{basename(vcf_file)}" -- --tags AC,AN,MAF | \ bcftools annotate --no-version -Ob0 --set-id "%VKX" --remove FILTER,INFO,^FMT/GT | \ plink1.9 \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --memory ~{round(1024 * memory - 512)} \ --bcf /dev/stdin \ --update-sex "~{filebase}.sex" \ --keep-allele-order \ --vcf-idspace-to ~{space_character} \ --const-fid \ --allow-extra-chr 0 \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--chr-set " + autosome_ct else ""} \ --make-bed \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" "~{filebase}.sex" "~{filebase}.nosex" plink1.9 \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --memory ~{round(1024 * memory - 512)} \ --bfile "~{filebase}" \ --keep-allele-order \ --indep 50 5 2 \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--chr-set " + autosome_ct else ""} \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 rm "~{filebase}.prune.out" cat "~{filebase}" | wc -l plink1.9 \ --memory ~{round(1024 * memory - 512)} \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --bfile "~{filebase}" \ --keep-allele-order \ --extract "~{filebase}" \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--chr-set " + autosome_ct else ""} \ --make-bed \ --out "~{filebase}.prune" \ 1>&2 rm "~{filebase}.bed" "~{filebase}.bim" "~{filebase}.fam" "~{filebase}" >>> output { Int n_markers = read_int(stdout()) File bed_file = filebase + ".prune.bed" File bim_file = filebase + ".prune.bim" File fam_file = filebase + ".prune.fam" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task pgt_concat { input { Array[File]+ bed_files Array[File]+ bim_files Array[File]+ fam_files String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 0 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float bed_size = size(bed_files, "GiB") Float bim_size = size(bim_files, "GiB") Float fam_size = size(fam_files, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * (bed_size + bim_size + fam_size))]) command <<< set -euo pipefail bed_files=~{write_lines(bed_files)} bim_files=~{write_lines(bim_files)} fam_files=~{write_lines(fam_files)} cat $bed_files $bim_files $fam_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $bed_files $bim_files $fam_files (echo -en "\x6C\x1B\x01"; cat $bed_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 tail -qc+4) > "~{filebase}.bed" cat $bim_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 cat > "~{filebase}.bim" head -n1 $fam_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 cat > "~{filebase}.fam" cat "~{filebase}.bim" | wc -l cat $bed_files $bim_files $fam_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { Int n_markers = read_int(stdout()) File bed_file = filebase + ".bed" File bim_file = filebase + ".bim" File fam_file = filebase + ".fam" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task plink_pca { input { Int n_smpls Int n_markers Int pca_ndim = 20 Int pca_cpus = 2 Array[File]+ ids_files File bed_file File bim_file File fam_file String? exclusion_regions Int? autosome_ct String filebase String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 0 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float bed_size = size(bed_file, "GiB") Float bim_size = size(bim_file, "GiB") Float fam_size = size(fam_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * (bed_size + bim_size + fam_size))]) # Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + (16.0 * pca_ndim * (pca_ndim + 1) * (n_markers + if n_markers > n_smpls then n_markers else n_smpls) + (16.0 * pca_ndim * (pca_ndim + 1) + 5760.0) * n_smpls * pca_cpus) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if 2 * ceil(memory / 13) > pca_cpus then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else pca_cpus]) # always require at least two CPUs command <<< set -euo pipefail ids_files=~{write_lines(ids_files)} echo "~{sep("\n", [bed_file, bim_file, fam_file])}" | \ cat $ids_files - | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . cat $ids_files | sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 cat > ids.lines ~{if defined(exclusion_regions) then "echo \"" + exclusion_regions + "\" | \\\n" + "tr ',[:\\-]' '\\n ' | awk '{print $0,\"r\"NR}' > exclusion_regions.txt" else ""} plink2 \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --memory ~{round(1024 * memory - 512)} \ --bed "~{basename(bed_file)}" \ --bim "~{basename(bim_file)}" \ --fam "~{basename(fam_file)}" \ ~{if defined(exclusion_regions) then "--exclude range exclusion_regions.txt" else ""} \ --pca ~{pca_ndim} approx \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--chr-set " + autosome_ct else ""} \ --out "~{filebase}" ~{if defined(exclusion_regions) then "rm exclusion_regions.txt" else ""} (head -n1 "~{filebase}.eigenvec" | cut -f2- | sed 's/^IID/sample_id/;s/PC/pc/g'; awk -F"\t" -v OFS="\t" 'NR==FNR {e[NR]=$1} NR>FNR && FNR>1 {for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) $i*=e[i-2]; print}' \ "~{filebase}.eigenval" "~{filebase}.eigenvec" | cut -f3- | paste -d $'\t' ids.lines -) > "~{filebase}.pcs.tsv" rm ids.lines echo "~{sep("\n", [bed_file, bim_file, fam_file])}" | \ cat $ids_files - | sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm set -euo pipefail >>> output { File eigenvec_file = filebase + ".eigenvec" File eigenval_file = filebase + ".eigenval" File pcs_tsv_file = filebase + ".pcs.tsv" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # see task regenie_step0 { input { Int idx Int n_phenos Int n_covars Int n_smpls Int n_markers Int n_ridge_l0 = 5 File bed_file File bim_file File fam_file File? covar_file File pheno_file Boolean binary Int bsize Boolean loocv Int? autosome_ct String? regenie_step0_extra_args String filebase String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 Float mult = 2.0 # this should not be necessary but most likely there is be a bug in REGENIE } Float bed_size = size(bed_file, "GiB") Float bim_size = size(bim_file, "GiB") Float fam_size = size(fam_file, "GiB") # see print_usage_info() in Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + bed_size + bim_size + fam_size + 8.0 * n_phenos * ceil(n_markers / bsize) * n_ridge_l0 * n_smpls / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + mult * 8.0 * (bsize + n_phenos * (4.0 + n_ridge_l0) + n_covars) * n_smpls / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) Int n_bins = ceil(1.0 * n_markers / bsize) command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([bed_file, bim_file, fam_file, covar_file, pheno_file]))}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . echo -e "~{n_markers} ~{bsize}\n~{filebase}_job~{idx+1} ~{n_bins} ~{n_markers}" > "~{filebase}_~{idx+1}.master" cut -f2 "~{basename(bim_file)}" > "~{filebase}_job~{idx+1}.snplist" regenie \ --step 1 \ --bed "~{basename(bed_file, ".bed")}" \ --phenoFile "~{basename(pheno_file)}" \ ~{if defined(covar_file) then "--covarFile \"" + basename(select_first([covar_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ --gz \ ~{if binary then "--bt" else ""} \ --bsize ~{bsize} \ ~{if loocv then "--loocv" else ""} \ --run-l0 "~{filebase}_~{idx+1}.master",1 \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--nauto " + autosome_ct else ""} \ ~{if defined(regenie_step0_extra_args) then regenie_step0_extra_args else ""} \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 rm "~{filebase}_~{idx+1}.master" "~{filebase}_job~{idx+1}.snplist" mkdir logs mv "~{filebase}.log" "logs/~{filebase}.~{idx+1}.step0.log" mkdir l0 seq 1 ~{n_phenos} | sed 's/^/~{filebase}_job~{idx+1}_l0_Y/' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t l0 seq 1 ~{n_phenos} | sed 's/^/l0\/~{filebase}_job~{idx+1}_l0_Y/' echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([bed_file, bim_file, fam_file, covar_file, pheno_file]))}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File log_file = "logs/" + filebase + "." + (idx + 1) + ".step0.log" Directory l0_dir = "l0" Array[File] l0_files = read_lines(stdout()) } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # see task regenie_step1 { input { String pheno_name Int n_covars Int n_smpls Int n_markers File bed_file File bim_file File fam_file File? covar_file File pheno_file Array[Int]+ n_markers_array Array[File]+ l0_files Boolean binary Int bsize Boolean loocv Int? autosome_ct String? regenie_step1_extra_args String filebase String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 0 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float bed_size = size(bed_file, "GiB") Float bim_size = size(bim_file, "GiB") Float fam_size = size(fam_file, "GiB") Float l0_size = size(l0_files, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + bed_size + bim_size + fam_size + l0_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + bed_size + bim_size + fam_size + l0_size]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, 2 * ceil(memory / 13)]) # always require at least two CPUs command <<< set -euo pipefail markers_lines=~{write_lines(n_markers_array)} l0_files=~{write_lines(l0_files)} echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([bed_file, bim_file, fam_file, covar_file, pheno_file]))}" | \ cat - $l0_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . cat $l0_files | sed '/_Y1$/d;s/^.*\///;s/.*/& &/;s/[0-9]*$/1/' | while read src dst; do mv --no-clobber $src $dst; done sed -i 's/^.*\///;s/[0-9]*$/1/' $l0_files awk -F"\t" -v OFS="\t" 'NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} {print $(f["FID"]),$(f["IID"]),$(f["~{pheno_name}"])}' "~{basename(pheno_file)}" > "~{basename(pheno_file)}.~{pheno_name}" paste $l0_files $markers_lines | \ awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN {print "~{n_markers} ~{bsize}"} {sub("_l0_Y1$","",$1); print $1,1+int(($2-1)/~{bsize}),$2}' > "~{filebase}.master" regenie \ --step 1 \ --bed "~{basename(bed_file, ".bed")}" \ --phenoFile "~{basename(pheno_file)}.~{pheno_name}" \ ~{if defined(covar_file) then "--covarFile \"" + basename(select_first([covar_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if binary then "--bt" else ""} \ --bsize ~{bsize} \ ~{if loocv then "--loocv" else ""} \ --run-l1 "~{filebase}.master" \ --keep-l0 \ --gz \ ~{if binary then "--write-null-firth" else ""} \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--nauto " + autosome_ct else ""} \ ~{if defined(regenie_step1_extra_args) then regenie_step1_extra_args else ""} \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 rm "~{basename(pheno_file)}.~{pheno_name}" "~{filebase}.master" mkdir logs mv "~{filebase}.log" "logs/~{filebase}.step1.log" mkdir loco if [ -f "~{filebase}_1.loco.gz" ]; then mv "~{filebase}_1.loco.gz" "loco/~{filebase}.loco.gz" sed -i 's/\([^ \t]*\) .*\//\1 /;s/_1\.loco\.gz$/.loco.gz/' "~{filebase}_pred.list" else touch "loco/~{filebase}.loco.gz" fi ~{if binary then "mkdir firth\n" + "if [ -f \"" + filebase + "_1.firth.gz\" ]; then\n" + " mv \"" + filebase + "_1.firth.gz\" \"firth/" + filebase + ".firth.gz\"\n" + " sed -i 's/\\([^ \\t]*\\) .*\\//\\1 /;s/_1\\.firth\\.gz$/.firth.gz/' \"" + filebase + "_firth.list\"\n" + "else\n" + " touch \"firth/" + filebase + ".firth.gz\"\n" + "fi" else ""} echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([bed_file, bim_file, fam_file, covar_file, pheno_file]))}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | cat - $l0_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File log_file = "logs/" + filebase + ".step1.log" String loco_line = read_string(filebase + "_pred.list") File loco_file = "loco/" + filebase + ".loco.gz" String? firth_line = if binary then read_string(filebase + "_firth.list") else None File? firth_file = if binary then "firth/" + filebase + ".firth.gz" else None } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task serialize_lines { input { Array[String]+ lines String filename String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail lines=~{write_lines(lines)} mv $lines "~{filename}" >>> output { File file = filename } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # number of variants and sample should be input here # option psam-cols=fid,sex required due to # # PLINK2 tries to access more memory than assigned # PLINK2 unfortunately needs to read a VCF file twice # PLINK2 unfortunately cannot split PAR with non-human genomes task vcf2pgen { input { File vcf_file File sample_tsv_file String dosage_field String space_character Int? autosome_ct Int? par_bp1 Int? par_bp2 String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 Float mult = 4.0 # this is to make sure that there is space for the .bcf, the -temporary.pgen, and the .pgen files # notice that the .pgen can occupy more space than the .bcf as each encoded dosage requires 2 bytes to be encoded # and only dosages that have dosage level identical to their respective genotypes are not encoded # see } String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + mult * vcf_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{sample_tsv_file}" . awk -F"\t" 'NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} NR>1 {id=$(f["sample_id"]); gsub(" ","~{space_character}",id); print 0,id,$(f["computed_gender"])}' "~{basename(sample_tsv_file)}" | \ sed 's/U$/0/;s/K$/1/' > "~{filebase}.sex" bcftools query -l "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | wc -l plink2 \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --memory ~{round(1024 * memory - 1024)} \ --bcf "~{basename(vcf_file)}" dosage=~{dosage_field} \ --update-sex "~{filebase}.sex" \ --vcf-idspace-to ~{space_character} \ --const-fid \ --allow-extra-chr 0 \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--chr-set " + autosome_ct else ""} \ --make-pgen erase-phase psam-cols=fid,sex \ ~{if !defined(autosome_ct) && defined(par_bp1) && defined(par_bp2) then "--split-par " + select_first([par_bp1]) + " " + select_first([par_bp2]) else ""} \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 grep -v ^# "~{filebase}.pvar" | wc -l > "~{filebase}.nvar" rm "~{filebase}.sex" rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(sample_tsv_file)}" >>> output { Int n_smpls = read_int(stdout()) Int n_markers = read_int(filebase + ".nvar") File pgen_file = filebase + ".pgen" File pvar_file = filebase + ".pvar" File psam_file = filebase + ".psam" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # loco file needs to be pruned due to bug # write_lines() hack needed due to bug # see for VCF output task regenie_step2 { input { String chr Int n_phenos Int n_covars Int n_smpls Int n_markers File fasta_fai File pgen_file File pvar_file File psam_file File? covar_file File pheno_file String? pop Array[String]+ regenie_suffix # suffix array passed due to bug Boolean binary File loco_lst Array[File]+ loco_files File? firth_lst Array[File]? firth_files Int bsize Float? min_info Int? autosome_ct String? regenie_step2_extra_args String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } String filebase = basename(pgen_file, ".pgen") Float pgen_size = size(pgen_file, "GiB") Float pvar_size = size(pvar_file, "GiB") Float psam_size = size(psam_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + pgen_size + pvar_size + psam_size)]) # see print_usage_info() in Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + 8.0 * (3.0 * n_phenos + 2.0 * bsize + n_covars + if binary then (3.0 + n_covars) * n_phenos + 0.5 * bsize else 0) * n_smpls / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, 2 * ceil(memory / 13)]) # always require at least two CPUs command <<< set -euo pipefail loco_files=~{write_lines(loco_files)} firth_files=~{if defined(firth_files) then write_lines(select_first([firth_files])) else ""} echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([fasta_fai, pgen_file, pvar_file, psam_file, covar_file, pheno_file, loco_lst, firth_lst]))}" | \ cat - $loco_files~{if defined(firth_files) then " $firth_files" else ""} | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if defined(firth_lst) then "awk 'NR==FNR {x[$1]++} NR>FNR && $1 in x' \"" + basename(select_first([firth_lst])) + "\" \"" + basename(loco_lst) + "\" > \"" + basename(loco_lst) + ".alt\"" else ""} regenie \ --step 2 \ --pgen "~{basename(pgen_file, ".pgen")}" \ --phenoFile "~{basename(pheno_file)}" \ ~{if defined(covar_file) then "--covarFile \"" + basename(select_first([covar_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ --pred "~{if defined(firth_lst) then basename(loco_lst) + ".alt" else basename(loco_lst)}" \ ~{if binary then "--bt" else ""} \ --bsize ~{bsize} \ ~{if binary then "--firth --approx --firth-se" else ""} \ ~{if binary && defined(firth_lst) then "--use-null-firth \"" + basename(select_first([firth_lst])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(min_info) then "--minINFO " + min_info else ""} \ ~{if binary then "--af-cc" else ""} \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--nauto " + autosome_ct else ""} \ ~{if defined(regenie_step2_extra_args) then regenie_step2_extra_args else ""} \ --gz \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 mkdir logs mv "~{filebase}.log" "logs/~{filebase}.step2.log" ~{if defined(firth_lst) then "rm \"" + basename(loco_lst) + ".alt\"" else ""} cut -d" " -f1 "~{basename(loco_lst)}" | while IFS=$'\t' read pheno; do bcftools +munge \ --no-version \ --columns REGENIE \ --fai "~{basename(fasta_fai)}" \ --sample-name $pheno~{if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else ""} \ --output-type b \ --output "~{filebase + if length(regenie_suffix) > 1 then ".$pheno" else ""}~{if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else ""}.gwas.bcf" \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "~{filebase}_$pheno.regenie.gz" ~{if defined(pop) then "mv \"" + filebase + "_$pheno.regenie.gz\" \"" + filebase + "_$pheno." + select_first([pop]) + ".regenie.gz\"" else ""} done ~{if length(regenie_suffix) > 1 then "awk '{print \"" + filebase + ".\"$1\"" + (if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else "") + ".gwas.bcf\"}' \"" + basename(loco_lst) + "\" | \\\n" + "bcftools merge \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --file-list /dev/stdin \\\n" + " --merge none \\\n" + " --no-index \\\n" + " --output-type b \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + (if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else "") + ".gwas.bcf\"" + (if cpu > 1 then " \\\n --threads " + (cpu - 1) + "\n" else "\n") + "awk '{print \"" + filebase + ".\"$1\"" + (if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else "") + ".gwas.bcf\"}' \"" + basename(loco_lst) + "\" | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 rm" else ""} echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([fasta_fai, pgen_file, pvar_file, psam_file, covar_file, pheno_file, loco_lst, firth_lst]))}" | \ cat - $loco_files~{if defined(firth_files) then " $firth_files" else ""} | sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + (if defined(pop) then "." + select_first([pop]) else "") + ".gwas.bcf" File log_file = "logs/" + filebase + ".step2.log" Array[File] regenie_files = prefix(filebase + "_", regenie_suffix) # suffix array passed due to bug } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # as the VCF to be concatenated can be pretty large and this is only run once, we avoid preemptible computing task vcf_concat { input { Array[File]+ vcf_files File? ref_fasta File? fasta_fai File? gff3_file File? rsid_vcf_file File? rsid_vcf_idx String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 0 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_files, "GiB") Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GiB") Float dbsnp_size = size(rsid_vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * vcf_size + ref_size + dbsnp_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail ~{if defined(ref_fasta) then "mv \"" + select_first([ref_fasta]) + "\" ." else ""} ~{if defined(fasta_fai) then "mv \"" + select_first([fasta_fai]) + "\" ." else ""} ~{if defined(gff3_file) then "mv \"" + select_first([gff3_file]) + "\" ." else ""} ~{if defined(rsid_vcf_file) then "mv \"" + select_first([rsid_vcf_file]) + "\" ." else ""} ~{if defined(rsid_vcf_idx) then "mv \"" + select_first([rsid_vcf_idx]) + "\" ." else ""} vcf_files=~{write_lines(vcf_files)} cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $vcf_files bcftools concat \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if defined(gff3_file) then "u" else "b"} \ --file-list $vcf_files \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ ~{if defined(gff3_file) then " | \\\n" + "bcftools csq \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type b \\\n" + " --fasta-ref \"" + basename(select_first([ref_fasta])) + "\" \\\n" + " --gff-annot \"" + basename(select_first([gff3_file])) + "\" \\\n" + " --trim-protein-seq 1 \\\n" + " --custom-tag CSQ \\\n" + " --local-csq \\\n" + " --ncsq 64 \\\n" + " --samples -" else ""} \ --output "~{filebase + if defined(rsid_vcf_file) then ".tmp" else ""}.bcf" \ --write-index ~{if defined(ref_fasta) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([ref_fasta])) + "\"" else ""} ~{if defined(fasta_fai) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([fasta_fai])) + "\"" else ""} ~{if defined(gff3_file) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([gff3_file])) + "\"" else ""} cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm ~{if defined(rsid_vcf_file) then "bcftools annotate \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --annotations \"" + basename(select_first([rsid_vcf_file])) + "\" \\\n" + " --columns ID \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".bcf\" \\\n" + " --output-type b \\\n" + " \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\" \\\n" + " --write-index\n" + " rm \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf.csi\" \"" + basename(select_first([rsid_vcf_file])) + "\"" else ""} ~{if defined(rsid_vcf_idx) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([rsid_vcf_idx])) + "\"" else ""} >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task assoc_concat { input { Array[File]+ assoc_files Int n_x_chr Boolean zst = false String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float assoc_size = size(assoc_files, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * assoc_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail assoc_files=~{write_lines(assoc_files)} cat $assoc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $assoc_files cat $assoc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 ~{if zst then "-n1 plink2 --zst-decompress" else "zcat"} | \ awk 'NR==1 || $0!~"^CHROM" && $0!~"^#CHROM"' | \ sed 's/^CHROM/#CHROM/;s/^~{n_x_chr}/X/;s/^PAR[12]/X/' | tr ' ' '\t' | \ bgzip > "~{filebase}" tabix --begin 2 --end 2 --force "~{filebase}" tabix --only-header "~{filebase}" | wc -l cat $assoc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File file = filebase File index = filebase + ".tbi" Boolean has_data = if read_int(stdout()) == 0 then false else true } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task assoc_plot { input { File assoc_file String? genome File? cyto_file Int? autosome_ct Float? min_af String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float assoc_size = size(assoc_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + assoc_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{assoc_file}" . ~{if defined(cyto_file) then "mv \"" + select_first([cyto_file]) + "\" ." else ""} assoc_plot.R \ ~{if defined(cyto_file) then "--cytoband \"" + basename(select_first([cyto_file])) + "\"" else if defined(genome) then "--genome \"" + select_first([genome]) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(autosome_ct) then "--nauto " + select_first([autosome_ct]) else ""} \ ~{if defined(min_af) then "--min-af " + select_first([min_af]) else ""} \ --tbx "~{basename(assoc_file)}" \ --png "~{filebase}.png" rm "~{basename(assoc_file)}" ~{if defined(cyto_file) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([cyto_file])) + "\"" else ""} >>> output { File png_file = filebase + '.png' } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # use of !(a!=b) due to bug Cromwell team will not fix: # plink2 will return error code 7 when covariate-only Firth regression fails to converge or when variance inflation factor is too high # plink2 will return error code 13 when no diploid variants remain for --glm hetonly # when PLINK2 updates to version Mar 18 2024 or newer, you can remove the single-prec-cc otions task plink_glm { input { String chr_num String pheno_name Int n_phenos Int n_covars Int n_smpls Int n_markers File pgen_file File pvar_file File psam_file File? loco_file File? covar_file File pheno_file Boolean binary Int? max_vif Float? max_corr String? plink_extra_args String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } String filebase = basename(pgen_file, ".pgen") Float pgen_size = size(pgen_file, "GiB") Float pvar_size = size(pvar_file, "GiB") Float psam_size = size(psam_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + pgen_size + pvar_size + psam_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([pgen_file, pvar_file, psam_file, covar_file, pheno_file, loco_file]))}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if defined(loco_file) then "zcat \"" + basename(select_first([loco_file])) + "\" | \\\n" + "awk 'BEGIN {print \"IID\\tLOCO\"} NR==1 {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {sub(\"^0_\", \"\", $i); f[i] = $i}}\n" + " $1==\"" + chr_num + "\" {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) print f[i]\"\\t\"$i}' " + (if defined(covar_file) then "| \\\n" + "awk -F\"\\t\" -v OFS=\"\\t\" 'NR==FNR {x[$1]=$2} NR>FNR && $2 in x {print $0\"\\t\"x[$2]}' - \"" + basename(select_first([covar_file])) + "\" " else "") + "> \"" + filebase + ".cov\"" else ""} plink2 \ --threads ~{cpu} \ --memory ~{round(1024 * memory - 512)} \ --pgen "~{basename(pgen_file)}" \ --pvar "~{basename(pvar_file)}" \ --psam "~{basename(psam_file)}" \ ~{if defined(loco_file) then "--covar \"" + filebase + ".cov\"" else if defined(covar_file) then "--covar \"" + basename(select_first([covar_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(loco_file) || defined(covar_file) then "--covar-variance-standardize" else ""} \ ~{if defined(loco_file) || defined(covar_file) then "--require-covar" else ""} \ --1 --pheno "~{basename(pheno_file)}" \ --pheno-name ~{pheno_name} \ --require-pheno \ --glm zs log10 hetonly hide-covar~{if !defined(loco_file) && !defined(covar_file) then " allow-no-covars" else ""} cc-residualize single-prec-cc cols=+a1freq,+machr2 \ ~{if defined(max_vif) then "--vif " + select_first([max_vif]) else ""} \ ~{if defined(max_corr) then "--max-corr " + select_first([max_corr]) else ""} \ ~{if defined(plink_extra_args) then plink_extra_args else ""} \ --out "~{filebase}" \ 1>&2 || if [[ $? -eq 7 || $? -eq 13 ]]; then echo -en "\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd\x24\x00\x01\x00\x00\x99\xe9\xd8\x51" > "~{filebase}.~{pheno_name}.glm.~{if binary then "logistic.hybrid" else "linear"}.zst" else exit $?; fi ~{if defined(loco_file) then "rm \"" + filebase + ".cov\"" else ""} mkdir logs mv "~{filebase}.log" "logs/~{filebase}.~{pheno_name}.glm.log" echo "~{sep("\n", select_all([pgen_file, pvar_file, psam_file, covar_file, pheno_file, loco_file]))}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File log_file = "logs/" + filebase + "." + pheno_name + ".glm.log" File assoc_file = filebase + "." + pheno_name + ".glm." + (if binary then "logistic.hybrid" else "linear") + ".zst" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } }