version development ## Copyright (c) 2021 Giulio Genovese ## ## Version 2021-05-14 ## ## Contact Giulio Genovese ## ## This WDL workflow runs impute5 or beagle5 on a set of VCFs ## ## Cromwell version support ## - Successfully tested on v61 ## ## Distributed under terms of the MIT License struct Reference { File fasta_fai Int n_chrs File genetic_map_file String panel_pfx String panel_sfx String panel_idx Int n_panel_smpls } workflow impute { input { String sample_set_id String mode = "pgt" # pgt imp String target = "imp" # imp ext Float max_win_size_cm = 10.0 Float overlap_size_cm = 2.0 String format_id = "AS" String ext_string = "as" Array[String]? target_chrs String ref_name = "GRCh38" String? ref_path String? ref_fasta_fai Int? ref_n_chrs String? genetic_map_file String? panel_pfx String? panel_sfx String? panel_idx Int? n_panel_smpls String? data_path File batch_tsv_file # batch_id n_smpls path vcf vcf_index pgt_vcf pgt_vcf_index chr1_imp_vcf chr1_imp_vcf_index ... Boolean convert_panel = true Boolean beagle = false Boolean out_ds = true Boolean out_gp = false Boolean out_ap = false String? impute_extra_args String basic_bash_docker = "ubuntu:latest" String pandas_docker = "amancevice/pandas:slim" String docker_registry = "" String bcftools_docker = "bcftools:1.11-20210514" String impute5_docker = "impute5:1.11-20210514" String beagle5_docker = "beagle5:1.11-20210514" } String docker_registry_with_sep = docker_registry + if docker_registry != "" && docker_registry == sub(docker_registry, "/$", "") then "/" else "" String ref_path_with_sep = select_first([ref_path, ""]) + if defined(ref_path) && select_first([ref_path]) == sub(select_first([ref_path]), "/$", "") then "/" else "" Reference ref = object { fasta_fai: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([ref_fasta_fai, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.fai" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "human_g1k_v37.fasta.fai" else None]), n_chrs: select_first([ref_n_chrs, 23]), genetic_map_file: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([genetic_map_file, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "genetic_map_hg38_withX.txt.gz" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz" else None]), panel_pfx: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([panel_pfx, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "CCDG_14151_B01_GRM_WGS_2020-08-05_" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "ALL.chr" else None]), panel_sfx: select_first([panel_sfx, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then ".filtered.phased.bcf" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then ".phase3_integrated.20130502.genotypes.bcf" else None]), panel_idx: select_first([panel_idx, ".csi"]), n_panel_smpls: select_first([n_panel_smpls, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then 3202 else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then 2504 else None]), } # read table with batches information (scatter could be avoided if there was a tail() function) Array[Array[String]] batch_tsv = read_tsv(batch_tsv_file) Int n_batches = length(batch_tsv)-1 scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { Array[String] batch_tsv_rows = batch_tsv[(idx+1)] } Map[String, Array[String]] batch_tbl = as_map(zip(batch_tsv[0], transpose(batch_tsv_rows))) # compute data paths for each batch, if available (scatter could be avoided if there was a contains_key() function) scatter (key in keys(batch_tbl)) { Boolean? is_key_equal_path = if key == "path" then true else None } scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { String data_paths = select_first([data_path, if length(select_all(is_key_equal_path))>0 then batch_tbl["path"][idx] else ""]) String data_paths_with_sep = data_paths + (if data_paths == "" || sub(data_paths, "/$", "") != data_paths then "" else "/") } Array[Array[String]] ref_fasta_fai_tbl = transpose(read_tsv(ref.fasta_fai)) scatter (idx in range(ref.n_chrs)) { String ref_chrs = ref_fasta_fai_tbl[0][idx] } Array[String] chrs = select_first([target_chrs, ref_chrs]) Int n_chrs = length(chrs) scatter (idx in range(n_chrs)) { String chr_strings = sub(chrs[idx], "^chr", "") } if (mode == "pgt") { Map[String, Int] chr2len = as_map(zip(ref_fasta_fai_tbl[0], ref_fasta_fai_tbl[1])) scatter (chr in chrs) { Int lens = chr2len[chr] } call ref_scatter { input: chrs = chrs, lens = lens, genetic_map_file = ref.genetic_map_file, max_win_size_cm = max_win_size_cm, overlap_size_cm = overlap_size_cm, docker = pandas_docker } Array[Array[String]] intervals_tbl = transpose(read_tsv(ref_scatter.intervals_bed)) # this is a trick to table how many intervals you will use for each chromosome Map[String, Array[Int]] chr_map = collect_by_key(zip(intervals_tbl[0], range(length(intervals_tbl[0])))) # scatter reference panel scatter (idx in range(n_chrs)) { call get_markers as get_panel_markers { input: vcf_idx = ref.panel_pfx + chrs[idx] + ref.panel_sfx + ref.panel_idx, docker = docker_registry_with_sep + bcftools_docker } if (length(chr_map[(chrs[idx])]) > 1) { call vcf_scatter as panel_scatter { input: vcf_file = ref.panel_pfx + chrs[idx] + ref.panel_sfx, intervals_bed = ref_scatter.intervals_bed, chr = chrs[idx], docker = docker_registry_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } Array[File] panel_scatter_vcf_files = select_first([panel_scatter.vcf_files, [ref.panel_pfx + chrs[idx] + ref.panel_sfx]]) Array[File] panel_scatter_vcf_idxs = select_first([panel_scatter.vcf_idxs, [ref.panel_pfx + chrs[idx] + ref.panel_sfx + ref.panel_idx]]) Array[Int] n_panel_scatter_markers = select_first([panel_scatter.n_markers, [get_panel_markers.n]]) } Array[File] panel_flatten_vcf_files = flatten(panel_scatter_vcf_files) Array[File] panel_flatten_vcf_idxs = flatten(panel_scatter_vcf_idxs) # convert reference panel scatter (idx in range(length(intervals_tbl[0]))) { call init_panel { input: vcf_file = panel_flatten_vcf_files[idx], vcf_idx = panel_flatten_vcf_idxs[idx], chr = intervals_tbl[0][idx], convert = convert_panel, beagle = beagle, docker = if beagle then docker_registry_with_sep + beagle5_docker else docker_registry_with_sep + impute5_docker } } # scatter target genotypes scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { call vcf_scatter { input: vcf_file = data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["pgt_vcf"][idx], intervals_bed = ref_scatter.intervals_bed, docker = docker_registry_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } # impute genotypes Array[Int] n_panel_flatten_markers = flatten(n_panel_scatter_markers) Map[String, Int] chr2int = as_map(zip(chrs, range(length(chrs)))) scatter (p in cross(range(n_batches), range(length(intervals_tbl[0])))) { if (vcf_scatter.n_markers[p.left][p.right] > 0) { Int cross_idx = p.left * n_chrs + chr2int[(intervals_tbl[0][p.right])] call vcf_impute { input: n_smpls = vcf_scatter.n_smpls[p.left], n_markers = vcf_scatter.n_markers[p.left][p.right], pgt_file = vcf_scatter.vcf_files[p.left][p.right], genetic_map_file = ref.genetic_map_file, n_panel_smpls = ref.n_panel_smpls, n_panel_markers = n_panel_flatten_markers[p.right], panel_genotypes_file = select_first([init_panel.panel_genotypes_file[p.right], panel_flatten_vcf_files[p.right]]), panel_genotypes_idx = select_first([init_panel.panel_genotypes_idx[p.right], panel_flatten_vcf_idxs[p.right]]), panel_sites_file = init_panel.panel_sites_file[p.right], panel_sites_idx = init_panel.panel_sites_idx[p.right], ref_fasta_fai = ref.fasta_fai, chr = intervals_tbl[0][p.right], region = intervals_tbl[0][p.right] + ":" + intervals_tbl[1][p.right] + "-" + intervals_tbl[2][p.right], beagle = beagle, out_ds= out_ds, out_gp= out_gp, out_ap= out_ap, impute_extra_args = impute_extra_args, docker = if beagle then docker_registry_with_sep + beagle5_docker else docker_registry_with_sep + impute5_docker } } } Map[Int, Array[File]] idx2vcf_files = collect_by_key(zip(select_all(cross_idx), select_all(vcf_impute.imp_vcf_file))) Map[Int, Array[File]] idx2vcf_idxs = collect_by_key(zip(select_all(cross_idx), select_all(vcf_impute.imp_vcf_idx))) scatter (p in cross(range(n_batches), range(n_chrs))) { if (length(idx2vcf_files[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)]) > 1) { call vcf_ligate { input: n_smpls = vcf_scatter.n_smpls[p.left], n_markers = get_panel_markers.n[p.right], vcf_files = idx2vcf_files[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)], filebase = basename(basename(basename(batch_tbl["pgt_vcf"][p.left], ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz"), ".pgt") + ".chr" + chr_strings[p.right] + ".imp", docker = docker_registry_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } File chr_imp_vcf_files = select_first([vcf_ligate.vcf_file, idx2vcf_files[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)][0]]) File chr_imp_vcf_idxs = select_first([vcf_ligate.vcf_idx, idx2vcf_idxs[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)][0]]) } } Array[Int] n_smpls = if mode == "pgt" then select_first([vcf_scatter.n_smpls]) else batch_tbl["n_smpls"] if (target == "ext") { scatter (p in cross(range(n_batches), range(n_chrs))) { File vcf_file = if mode == "pgt" then select_first([chr_imp_vcf_files])[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)] else data_paths_with_sep[p.left] + batch_tbl[("chr" + chr_strings[p.right] + "_imp_vcf")][p.left] File vcf_idx = if mode == "pgt" then select_first([chr_imp_vcf_idxs])[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)] else data_paths_with_sep[p.left] + batch_tbl[("chr" + chr_strings[p.right] + "_imp_vcf_index")][p.left] call get_markers { input: vcf_idx = vcf_idx, docker = docker_registry_with_sep + bcftools_docker } call vcf_extend { input: n_smpls = n_smpls[p.left], n_markers = get_markers.n, vcf_file = vcf_file, vcf_idx = vcf_idx, annot_vcf_file = data_paths_with_sep[p.left] + batch_tbl["vcf"][p.left], annot_vcf_idx = data_paths_with_sep[p.left] + batch_tbl["vcf_index"][p.left], format_id = format_id, ext_string = ext_string, docker = docker_registry_with_sep + bcftools_docker } } } # generate a table summarizing the main output files and serialize the table to disk # vcf_files and vcf_idxs are defined in the output section scatter (p in cross(range(n_batches), range(n_chrs))) { Pair[String, String] output_vcfs = ("chr" + chr_strings[p.right] + "_imp_vcf", basename(vcf_files[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)])) Pair[String, String] output_idxs = ("chr" + chr_strings[p.right] + "_imp_vcf_index", basename(vcf_idxs[(p.left * n_chrs + p.right)])) } Map[String, Array[String]] output_map = as_map(flatten([[("batch_id", batch_tbl["batch_id"]), ("n_smpls", n_smpls)], as_pairs(collect_by_key(output_vcfs)), as_pairs(collect_by_key(output_idxs))])) # cannot use output_keys = keys(output_map) because of unresolved Cromwell bug # scatter (idx in range(n_chrs)) { Array[String] keys = ["chr" + chr_strings[idx] + "_imp_vcf", "chr" + chr_strings[idx] + "_imp_vcf_index"] } Array[String] output_keys = flatten([["batch_id", "n_smpls"], flatten(keys)]) scatter (key in output_keys) { Array[String] output_tsv_cols = output_map[key] } # this is run as a separate task rather than using write_tsv() as Cromwell can break the WDL specification # call write_tsv { input: tsv = flatten([[output_keys], transpose(output_tsv_cols)]), filebase = sample_set_id + ".output", docker = basic_bash_docker } output { Array[File] vcf_files = select_first([vcf_extend.ext_vcf_file, chr_imp_vcf_files]) Array[File] vcf_idxs = select_first([vcf_extend.ext_vcf_idx, chr_imp_vcf_idxs]) Array[File]? logs = if mode == "pgt" then select_all(select_first([vcf_impute.log])) else None File output_tsv_file = write_tsv.file } } task write_tsv { input { Array[Array[String]] tsv String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv ~{write_tsv(tsv)} "~{filebase}.tsv" >>> output { File file = filebase + ".tsv" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # uses hack from task get_markers { input { File vcf_idx Boolean binary_vcf = true String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } String ext = if binary_vcf then "bcf" else "vcf.gz" command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_idx}" . echo -e "##fileformat=VCFv4.2\n#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO" | \ bcftools view --no-version -O~{if binary_vcf then "b" else "z"} -o in.~{ext} bcftools index --nrecords "in.~{ext}##idx##~{basename(vcf_idx)}" rm in.~{ext} "~{basename(vcf_idx)}" >>> output { Int n = read_int(stdout()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task ref_scatter { input { Array[String] chrs Array[String] lens File genetic_map_file Float max_win_size_cm Float overlap_size_cm String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{genetic_map_file}" . chrs=~{write_lines(chrs)} lens=~{write_lines(lens)} paste -d $'\t' $chrs $lens > chr2len.tsv python3 <>> output { File intervals_bed = "ref_scatter.bed" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_scatter { input { File vcf_file File intervals_bed String? chr Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{intervals_bed}" . ~{if defined(chr) then "mv \"" + basename(intervals_bed) + "\" \"" + basename(intervals_bed, ".bed") + ".all.bed\"\n" + "awk -v chr=\"" + chr + "\" '$1==chr' \"" + basename(intervals_bed, ".bed") + ".all.bed\" > \"" + basename(intervals_bed) + "\"\n" + "rm \"" + basename(intervals_bed, ".bed") + ".all.bed\"" else ""} bcftools query --list-samples "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | wc -l > awk -F"\t" '{print $1":"$2"-"$3"\t"NR-1}' "~{basename(intervals_bed)}" > regions.lines bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ --remove ID,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,^FMT/GT \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | \ bcftools +scatter \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output vcfs \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ --scatter-file regions.lines \ --prefix "~{filebase}." while read reg i; do bcftools query --format "\n" "vcfs/~{filebase}.$i.bcf" | wc -l bcftools index --force "vcfs/~{filebase}.$i.bcf" done < regions.lines > n_markers.lines cut -f2 regions.lines | sed 's/^/vcfs\/~{filebase}./;s/$/.bcf/' cut -f2 regions.lines | sed 's/^/vcfs\/~{filebase}./;s/$/.bcf.csi/' > vcf_idxs.lines rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(intervals_bed)}" rm regions.lines >>> output { Int n_smpls = read_int("") Array[Int] n_markers = read_lines("n_markers.lines") Directory vcfs = "vcfs" Array[File] vcf_files = read_lines(stdout()) Array[File] vcf_idxs = read_lines("vcf_idxs.lines") } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task init_panel { input { File vcf_file File? vcf_idx String chr Boolean convert = true Boolean beagle = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * vcf_size)]) String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . ~{if defined(vcf_idx) then "mv \"" + select_first([vcf_idx]) + "\" ." else ""} bcftools view \ --no-version \ --drop-genotypes \ --output-type u \ "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | \ bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output "~{filebase}.sites.bcf" \ --output-type b \ --remove ID,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,^FMT/GT bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.sites.bcf" ~{if beagle then (if chr != "X" && chr != "chrX" then "bcftools view --no-version \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" | \\\n" else "bcftools +fixploidy --no-version \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" | \\\n" + " sed 's/0\\/0/0|0/g;s/1\\/1/1|1/g' | \\\n") + " java -jar /usr/bin/bref3.jar > \"" + filebase + ".bref3\"" else if convert then "imp5Converter \\\n" + " --h \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" \\\n" + " --r " + chr + " \\\n" + " --o \"" + filebase + ".imp5\"" else ""} rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" ~{if defined(vcf_idx) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([vcf_idx])) + "\"" else ""} >>> output { File? panel_genotypes_file = if beagle then filebase + ".bref3" else if convert then filebase + ".imp5" else None File? panel_genotypes_idx = if !beagle && convert then filebase + ".imp5.idx" else None File panel_sites_file = filebase + ".sites.bcf" File panel_sites_idx = filebase + ".sites.bcf.csi" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # hack is employed in the end to fix the header task vcf_impute { input { Int n_smpls Int n_markers File pgt_file File genetic_map_file Int n_panel_smpls Int n_panel_markers File panel_genotypes_file File? panel_genotypes_idx File panel_sites_file File panel_sites_idx File? ref_fasta_fai String region String chr Boolean beagle = false Boolean out_ds = true Boolean out_gp = false Boolean out_ap = false Int max_ram_percentage = 90 String? impute_extra_args String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? mult_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float pgt_size = size(pgt_file, "GiB") Float panel_size = size(panel_genotypes_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * pgt_size + (1.0 + 2.0 * n_smpls / n_panel_smpls) * panel_size)]) Float mult = select_first([mult_override, (if beagle then 15.0 else 8.0) * (if chr == "X" || chr == "chrX" then 1.5 else 1.0)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + mult * n_panel_markers * (n_smpls + n_panel_smpls) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) String filebase = basename(basename(pgt_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([pgt_file, genetic_map_file, panel_genotypes_file, panel_genotypes_idx, panel_sites_file, panel_sites_idx])}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if defined(ref_fasta_fai) then "mv \"" + select_first([ref_fasta_fai]) + "\" ." else ""} bcftools index --force "~{basename(pgt_file)}" n_markers=$(bcftools isec \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ --nfiles 2 \ --write 1 \ "~{basename(pgt_file)}" \ "~{basename(panel_sites_file)}" | \ bcftools query --format "\n" | wc -l) if [ $n_markers == 0 ]; then cp "~{basename(pgt_file)}" "~{filebase}.imp.bcf" else mkdir logs ~{if beagle then " bcftools norm \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --rm-dup exact \\\n" + " --output-type z \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".vcf.gz\" \\\n" + " \"" + basename(pgt_file) + "\"\n" + " chr=" + chr +"; zcat \"" + basename(genetic_map_file) + "\" | \\\n" + " sed 's/^23/X/' | awk -v chr=$chr '$1==chr || \"chr\"$1==chr {print chr,\".\",$4,$2}' > genetic_map.txt\n" + " java -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=" + max_ram_percentage + " \\\n" + " -jar /usr/bin/beagle.jar \\\n" + " gt=\"" + filebase + ".vcf.gz\" \\\n" + " ref=\"" + basename(panel_genotypes_file) + "\" \\\n" + " out=\"" + filebase + ".imp\" \\\n" + " map=genetic_map.txt \\\n" + " chrom=" + region + " \\\n" + (if cpu > 1 then " nthreads=" + cpu + " \\\n" else "") + (if out_ap then " ap=true \\\n" else "") + (if out_gp then " gp=true \\\n" else "") + (if defined(impute_extra_args) then " " + impute_extra_args + " \\\n" else "") + " 1>&2\n" + " bcftools index --force --tbi \"" + filebase + ".imp.vcf.gz\"\n" + " bcftools view \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type b \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" \\\n" + " \"" + filebase + ".imp.vcf.gz\"\n" + " rm \"" + filebase + ".vcf.gz\" \"" + filebase + ".imp.vcf.gz\" \"" + filebase + ".imp.vcf.gz.tbi\"\n" + " mv \"" + filebase + ".imp.log\" \"logs/" + filebase + ".imp.log\"" else " chr=" + chr +"; zcat \"" + basename(genetic_map_file) + "\" | \\\n" + " sed 's/^23/X/' | awk -v chr=$chr -v OFS=\"\\t\" 'BEGIN {print \"pos\",\"chr\",\"cM\"}\n" + " $1==chr || \"chr\"$1==chr {print $2,chr,$4}' > genetic_map.txt\n" + " impute5 \\\n" + " --h \"" + basename(panel_genotypes_file) + "\" \\\n" + " --m genetic_map.txt \\\n" + " --g \"" + basename(pgt_file) + "\" \\\n" + " --r " + region + " \\\n" + " --l \"logs/" + filebase + ".imp.log\" \\\n" + (if out_gp then " --out-gp-field \\\n" else "") + (if out_ap then " --out-ap-field \\\n" else "") + " --o \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" \\\n" + (if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + cpu + " \\\n" else "") + (if defined(impute_extra_args) then " " + impute_extra_args + " \\\n" else "") + " 1>&2"} fi ~{if (!out_ds) then "mv \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "bcftools annotate \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type b \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" \\\n" + " --remove FMT/DS \\\n" + " \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "rm \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"" else ""} rm "~{basename(pgt_file)}.csi" genetic_map.txt ~{if defined(ref_fasta_fai) then "(echo -en \"##fileformat=VCFv4.2\\n#CHROM\\tPOS\\tID\\tREF\\tALT\\tQUAL\\tFILTER\\tINFO\\tFORMAT\\t\"\n" + "bcftools query -l \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" | tr '\\n' '\\t' | sed 's/\\t$/\\n/') > tmp.vcf\n" + "bcftools reheader --fai \"" + basename(select_first([ref_fasta_fai])) + "\" --output fai.vcf tmp.vcf\n" + "mv \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "bcftools concat \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type b \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".imp.bcf\" \\\n" + " fai.vcf \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "rm \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\" fai.vcf tmp.vcf \"" + basename(select_first([ref_fasta_fai])) + "\"" else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.imp.bcf" echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([pgt_file, genetic_map_file, panel_genotypes_file, panel_genotypes_idx, panel_sites_file, panel_sites_idx])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File imp_vcf_file = filebase + ".imp.bcf" File imp_vcf_idx = filebase + ".imp.bcf.csi" File log = "logs/" + filebase + ".imp.log" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_ligate { input { Int n_smpls Int n_markers Array[File]+ vcf_files String filebase Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 Float mult = 4.0 # how many bytes per genotype are required } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_files, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + mult * n_smpls * n_markers / length(vcf_files) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) command <<< set -euo pipefail vcf_files=~{write_lines(vcf_files)} cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $vcf_files cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 bcftools index --force bcftools concat \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.unligated.bcf" \ --allow-overlaps \ --rm-dups none \ --file-list $vcf_files \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.unligated.bcf" cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | \ xargs -0 -i bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "{}.pgt.bcf" \ --remove ID,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,^FMT/GT \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "{}" cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm cat $vcf_files | sed 's/$/.csi/' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm sed -i 's/$/.pgt.bcf/' $vcf_files cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 bcftools index --force bcftools concat \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --compact-PS \ --file-list $vcf_files \ --ligate \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ --output "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm cat $vcf_files | sed 's/$/.csi/' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.bcf" \ --annotations "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" \ --columns FMT/GT \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "~{filebase}.unligated.bcf" rm "~{filebase}.unligated.bcf" rm "~{filebase}.unligated.bcf.csi" rm "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" rm "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf.csi" bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.bcf" >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # due to bug I need two bcftools annotate invocations task vcf_extend { input { Int n_smpls Int n_markers File vcf_file File vcf_idx File annot_vcf_file File annot_vcf_idx String format_id String ext_string Int dist = 500000 Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int? cpu_override Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 Float mult = 0.2 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Float annot_vcf_size = size(annot_vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * (vcf_size + annot_vcf_size))]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + mult * n_smpls * n_markers / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) Int cpu = select_first([cpu_override, if memory > 6.5 then 2 * ceil(memory / 13) else 1]) String filebase = basename(basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz"), ".imp") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{vcf_idx}" . mv "~{annot_vcf_file}" . mv "~{annot_vcf_idx}" . bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type b \ --output "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" \ --remove ID,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,^FMT/GT \ "~{basename(vcf_file)}" bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ --columns "FMT/~{format_id}" \ --annotations "~{basename(annot_vcf_file)}" \ "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" | \ bcftools +extendFMT \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.pgt.~{ext_string}.bcf" \ --format "~{format_id}" \ --phase \ --dist ~{dist} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.pgt.~{ext_string}.bcf" rm "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf" "~{filebase}.pgt.bcf.csi" bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.~{ext_string}.bcf" \ --annotations "~{filebase}.pgt.~{ext_string}.bcf" \ --columns "FMT/~{format_id}" \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "~{basename(vcf_file)}" bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.~{ext_string}.bcf" rm "~{filebase}.pgt.~{ext_string}.bcf" "~{filebase}.pgt.~{ext_string}.bcf.csi" rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(vcf_idx)}" rm "~{basename(annot_vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(annot_vcf_idx)}" >>> output { File ext_vcf_file = filebase + "." + ext_string + ".bcf" File ext_vcf_idx = filebase + "." + ext_string + ".bcf.csi" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } }