version development ## Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Giulio Genovese ## ## Version 2021-01-20 ## ## Contact Giulio Genovese ## ## This WDL workflow runs MoChA on a cohort of samples genotyped with either Illumina or Affymetrix DNA microarrays ## ## Cromwell version support ## - Successfully tested on v55 ## ## Distributed under terms of the MIT License struct Reference { String name File fasta Int n_chrs String mhc_reg String kir_reg File dup_file File genetic_map_file File cnp_file File cyto_file String panel_pfx String panel_sfx String panel_idx Int n_panel_smpls } workflow mocha { input { String sample_set_id String mode # idat gtc cel chp txt vcf pvcf String target = "pngs" # vcf pvcf calls pngs Boolean realign = false Boolean gtc_output = false # only for idat mode Boolean chp_output = false # only for cel mode Int idat_batch_size = 48 Int gtc_batch_size = 1024 Int chp_batch_size = 1024 Int phase_threads = 4 Float max_win_size_cm = 300.0 Float overlap_size_cm = 5.0 Float sample_call_rate_thr = 0.97 Float variant_call_rate_thr = 0.97 Float baf_auto_thr = 0.03 String ext_string = "bdev" String ref_name = "GRCh38" String ref_path = "" String? ref_fasta Int? n_chrs String? mhc_reg String? kir_reg String? dup_file String? genetic_map_file String? cnp_file String? cyto_file String? panel_pfx String? panel_sfx String? panel_idx Int? n_panel_smpls String manifest_path = "" String data_path = "" File sample_tsv_file # sample_id batch_id green_idat red_idat gtc cel chp computed_gender call_rate File batch_tsv_file # batch_id path bpm csv egt sam xml zip probeset_ids snp report calls confidences summary vcf vcf_index xcl_vcf xcl_vcf_index File? ped_file File? duplicate_samples_file File? extra_xcl_vcf_file String? phase_extra_args String? mocha_extra_args String? mocha_plot_extra_args String basic_bash_docker = "ubuntu:latest" String pandas_docker = "amancevice/pandas:slim" String iaap_cli_docker = "" String autoconvert_docker = "" String apt_docker = "" String gtc2vcf_docker = "" String bcftools_docker = "" String shapeit4_docker = "" String eagle_docker = "" String mocha_docker = "" String mocha_plot_docker = "" Boolean autoconvert = false Boolean? table_output Boolean? do_not_check_bpm Boolean? do_not_use_reference Boolean eagle = false String delim = "~" Array[String]? chip_type String tags = "GT,BAF,LRR" Int? gc_window_size } Boolean mode_is_vcf = mode == "vcf" || mode == "pvcf" String ref_path_with_sep = ref_path + (if ref_path == "" || sub(ref_path, "/$", "") != ref_path then "" else "/") Reference ref = object { name: ref_name, fasta: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([ref_fasta, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "human_g1k_v37.fasta" else None]), n_chrs: select_first([n_chrs, 23]), mhc_reg: select_first([mhc_reg, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "chr6:27518932-33480487" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "6:27486711-33448264" else None]), kir_reg: select_first([kir_reg, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "chr19:54071493-54992731" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "19:54574747-55504099" else None]), dup_file: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([dup_file, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "dup.grch38.bed.gz" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "dup.grch37.bed.gz" else None]), genetic_map_file: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([genetic_map_file, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "genetic_map_hg38_withX.txt.gz" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz" else None]), cnp_file: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([cnp_file, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "cnp.grch38.bed" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "cnp.grch37.bed" else None]), cyto_file: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([cyto_file, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "cytoBand.hg38.txt.gz" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "cytoBand.hg19.txt.gz" else None]), panel_pfx: ref_path_with_sep + select_first([panel_pfx, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "ALL." else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then "ALL.chr" else None]), panel_sfx: select_first([panel_sfx, if ref_name == "GRCh38" then "_GRCh38.genotypes.20170504.bcf" else if ref_name == "GRCh37" then ".phase3_integrated.20130502.genotypes.bcf" else None]), panel_idx: select_first([panel_idx, ".csi"]), n_panel_smpls: select_first([n_panel_smpls, 2504]) } # read table with batches information (scatter could be avoided if there was a tail() function) call tsv_sorted as batch_sorted_tsv { input: tsv_file = batch_tsv_file, column = "batch_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } Array[Array[String]] batch_tsv = read_tsv(batch_sorted_tsv.file) Int n_batches = length(batch_tsv)-1 scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { Array[String] batch_tsv_rows = batch_tsv[(idx+1)] } Map[String, Array[String]] batch_tbl = as_map(zip(batch_tsv[0], transpose(batch_tsv_rows))) Array[String] batches = batch_tbl["batch_id"] String manifest_path_with_sep = manifest_path + (if manifest_path == "" || sub(manifest_path, "/$", "") != manifest_path then "" else "/") # compute data paths for each batch, if available (scatter could be avoided if there was a contains_key() function) scatter (key in keys(batch_tbl)) { Boolean? is_key_equal_path = if key == "path" then true else None } scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { String data_paths = if length(select_all(is_key_equal_path))>0 then batch_tbl["path"][idx] else data_path String data_paths_with_sep = data_paths + (if data_paths == "" || sub(data_paths, "/$", "") != data_paths then "" else "/") String pfxs = sample_set_id + (if n_batches == 1 then "" else "." + batches[idx]) } # aligns manifest file to human genome reference if requested if (realign && !mode_is_vcf) { # hack due to lack of unique function Array[String] csv_files = keys(collect_by_key(zip(batch_tbl["csv"], batches))) scatter (csv_file in csv_files) { call csv2bam { input: plugin = if mode == "idat" || mode == "gtc" then "gtc2vcf" else "affy2vcf", csv_file = manifest_path_with_sep + csv_file, ref_fasta = ref.fasta, ref_fasta_idxs = prefix(ref.fasta + ".", ["amb", "ann", "bwt", "pac", "sa"]), docker = gtc2vcf_docker, } } Map[String, File] csv2sam = as_map(zip(csv_files, csv2bam.bam_file)) } # compute sam file for each batch, if available (scatter could be avoided if there was a contains_key() function) scatter (key in keys(batch_tbl)) { Boolean? is_key_equal_sam = if key == "sam" then true else None } scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { File? sams = if realign && !mode_is_vcf then select_first([csv2sam])[(batch_tbl["csv"][idx])] else if length(select_all(is_key_equal_sam))>0 then manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["sam"][idx] else None } if (!mode_is_vcf) { # resort table with sample information and extract sample_id column call tsv_sorted as sample_sorted_tsv { input: tsv_file = sample_tsv_file, column = "batch_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } call tsv_column as sample_id_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "sample_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } call tsv_column as batch_id_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "batch_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } # process Illumina data if (mode == "idat") { call tsv_column as green_idat_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "green_idat", docker = basic_bash_docker } call tsv_column as red_idat_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "red_idat", docker = basic_bash_docker } # group samples by IDAT batches call batch_scatter as idat_scatter { input: batch_id_file = batch_id_lines.file, sub_batch_size = idat_batch_size, delim = delim, docker = basic_bash_docker } Map[String, Array[String]] idat_batch2green_idat_files = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(idat_scatter.sub_batch_id), read_lines(green_idat_lines.file))) Map[String, Array[String]] idat_batch2red_idat_files = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(idat_scatter.sub_batch_id), read_lines(red_idat_lines.file))) Map[String, Int] idat_batch2idx = as_map(zip(idat_scatter.sub_batches, idat_scatter.idxs)) scatter (idat_batch in idat_scatter.sub_batches) { Int idat_idx = idat_batch2idx[idat_batch] call idat2gtc { input: bpm_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["bpm"][idat_idx], egt_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["egt"][idat_idx], green_idat_files = prefix(data_paths_with_sep[idat_idx], idat_batch2green_idat_files[idat_batch]), red_idat_files = prefix(data_paths_with_sep[idat_idx], idat_batch2red_idat_files[idat_batch]), autoconvert = autoconvert, filebase = sample_set_id + "." + idat_batch, docker = if autoconvert then autoconvert_docker else iaap_cli_docker, } } call tsv_concat as green_idat_tsv { input: tsv_files = idat2gtc.green_idat_tsv, filebase = sample_set_id + ".green_idat", docker = basic_bash_docker } call tsv_concat as red_idat_tsv { input: tsv_files = idat2gtc.red_idat_tsv, filebase = sample_set_id + ".red_idat", docker = basic_bash_docker } } if (mode == "gtc") { call tsv_column as gtc_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "gtc", docker = basic_bash_docker } } if (mode == "idat" || mode == "gtc") { # group samples by GTC batches call batch_scatter as gtc_scatter { input: batch_id_file = batch_id_lines.file, sub_batch_size = gtc_batch_size, delim = delim, docker = basic_bash_docker } Array[String]+ input_gtc_files = if mode == "idat" then flatten(select_first([idat2gtc.gtc_files])) else read_lines(select_first([gtc_lines.file])) Map[String, Array[String]] gtc_batch2gtc_files = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(gtc_scatter.sub_batch_id), input_gtc_files)) call get_barcodes as gtc_barcodes { input: lst_files = select_first([green_idat_lines.file, gtc_lines.file]), docker = basic_bash_docker } Map[String, Array[String]] gtc_batch2barcode = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(gtc_scatter.sub_batch_id), read_lines(gtc_barcodes.file))) Map[String, Array[String]] gtc_batch2sample_id = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(gtc_scatter.sub_batch_id), read_lines(sample_id_lines.file))) Map[String, Int] gtc_batch2idx = as_map(zip(gtc_scatter.sub_batches, gtc_scatter.idxs)) scatter (gtc_batch in gtc_scatter.sub_batches) { Int gtc_idx = gtc_batch2idx[gtc_batch] call gtc2vcf { input: tags = tags, bpm_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["bpm"][gtc_idx], csv_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["csv"][gtc_idx], egt_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["egt"][gtc_idx], ref_fasta = ref.fasta, ref_fasta_fai = ref.fasta + ".fai", gc_window_size = gc_window_size, gtc_files = if mode == "idat" then gtc_batch2gtc_files[gtc_batch] else prefix(data_paths_with_sep[gtc_idx], gtc_batch2gtc_files[gtc_batch]), do_not_check_bpm = do_not_check_bpm, sam_file = sams[gtc_idx], reheader_map = as_map(zip(gtc_batch2barcode[gtc_batch], gtc_batch2sample_id[gtc_batch])), filebase = sample_set_id + "." + gtc_batch, docker = gtc2vcf_docker, } } call tsv_concat as gtc_tsv { input: tsv_files = gtc2vcf.gtc_tsv, filebase = sample_set_id + ".gtc", docker = basic_bash_docker } # this job can be long, so it is better to run as non-preemptible Map[Int, Array[String]] idx2gtc2vcf_files = collect_by_key(zip(gtc_scatter.idxs, gtc2vcf.vcf_file)) Map[Int, Array[String]] idx2gtc2vcf_idxs = collect_by_key(zip(gtc_scatter.idxs, gtc2vcf.vcf_idx)) scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { if (length(idx2gtc2vcf_files[idx]) > 1) { call vcf_merge as gtc2vcf_merge { input: vcf_files = idx2gtc2vcf_files[idx], filebase = pfxs[idx], docker = bcftools_docker } } File gtc2vcf_files = select_first([gtc2vcf_merge.vcf_file, idx2gtc2vcf_files[idx][0]]) File gtc2vcf_idxs = select_first([gtc2vcf_merge.vcf_idx, idx2gtc2vcf_idxs[idx][0]]) } } if (mode == "cel" || mode == "chp" || mode == "txt") { scatter (key in keys(batch_tbl)) { Boolean? is_key_equal_probeset = if key == "probeset_ids" then true else None } } if (mode == "cel" || mode == "txt") { call tsv_column as cel_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "cel", docker = basic_bash_docker } } # process Affymetrix data if (mode == "cel") { Map[String, Array[String]] batch2cel_files = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(batch_id_lines.file), read_lines(select_first([cel_lines.file])))) scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { call cel2affy as cel2chp { input: xml_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["xml"][idx], zip_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["zip"][idx], cel_files = prefix(data_paths_with_sep[idx], batch2cel_files[(batches[idx])]), probeset_file = if length(select_all(select_first([is_key_equal_probeset])))>0 && batch_tbl["probeset_ids"][idx] != "" then manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["probeset_ids"][idx] else None, chip_type = chip_type, table_output = table_output, filebase = pfxs[idx], docker = apt_docker } } call tsv_concat as cel_tsv { input: tsv_files = cel2chp.cel_tsv, filebase = sample_set_id + ".cel", docker = basic_bash_docker } } if (mode == "chp") { call tsv_column as chp_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_sorted_tsv.file, column = "chp", docker = basic_bash_docker } } if (mode == "cel" || mode == "chp") { # group samples by CHP batches call batch_scatter as chp_scatter { input: batch_id_file = batch_id_lines.file, sub_batch_size = chp_batch_size, delim = delim, docker = basic_bash_docker } Array[String]+ input_chp_files = if mode == "cel" then flatten(select_first([cel2chp.chp_files])) else read_lines(select_first([chp_lines.file])) Map[String, Array[String]] chp_batch2chp_files = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(chp_scatter.sub_batch_id), input_chp_files)) call get_barcodes as chp_barcodes { input: lst_files = select_first([cel_lines.file, chp_lines.file]), docker = basic_bash_docker } Map[String, Array[String]] chp_batch2barcode = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(chp_scatter.sub_batch_id), read_lines(chp_barcodes.file))) Map[String, Array[String]] chp_batch2sample_id = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(chp_scatter.sub_batch_id), read_lines(sample_id_lines.file))) Map[String, Int] chp_batch2idx = as_map(zip(chp_scatter.sub_batches, chp_scatter.idxs)) scatter (chp_batch in chp_scatter.sub_batches) { Int chp_idx = chp_batch2idx[chp_batch] call chp2vcf { input: tags = tags, csv_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["csv"][chp_idx], ref_fasta = ref.fasta, ref_fasta_fai = ref.fasta + ".fai", gc_window_size = gc_window_size, probeset_file = if length(select_all(select_first([is_key_equal_probeset])))>0 && batch_tbl["probeset_ids"][chp_idx] != "" then manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["probeset_ids"][chp_idx] else None, snp_file = if mode == "cel" then select_first([cel2chp.snp_file])[chp_idx] else data_paths_with_sep[chp_idx] + batch_tbl["snp"][chp_idx], chp_files = if mode == "cel" then chp_batch2chp_files[chp_batch] else prefix(data_paths_with_sep[chp_idx], chp_batch2chp_files[chp_batch]), sam_file = sams[chp_idx], reheader_map = as_map(zip(chp_batch2barcode[chp_batch], chp_batch2sample_id[chp_batch])), filebase = sample_set_id + "." + chp_batch, docker = gtc2vcf_docker } } # this job can be long, so it is better to run as non-preemptible Map[Int, Array[String]] idx2chp2vcf_files = collect_by_key(zip(chp_scatter.idxs, chp2vcf.vcf_file)) Map[Int, Array[String]] idx2chp2vcf_idxs = collect_by_key(zip(chp_scatter.idxs, chp2vcf.vcf_idx)) scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { if (length(idx2chp2vcf_files[idx]) > 1) { call vcf_merge as chp2vcf_merge { input: vcf_files = idx2chp2vcf_files[idx], filebase = pfxs[idx], docker = bcftools_docker } } File chp2vcf_files = select_first([chp2vcf_merge.vcf_file, idx2chp2vcf_files[idx][0]]) File chp2vcf_idxs = select_first([chp2vcf_merge.vcf_idx, idx2chp2vcf_idxs[idx][0]]) } } if (mode == "txt") { scatter (key in keys(batch_tbl)) { Boolean? is_key_equal_confidences = if key == "confidences" then true else None } call get_barcodes as txt_barcodes { input: lst_files = select_first([cel_lines.file]), docker = basic_bash_docker } Map[String, Array[String]] batch2barcode = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(batch_id_lines.file), read_lines(txt_barcodes.file))) Map[String, Array[String]] batch2sample_id = collect_by_key(zip(read_lines(batch_id_lines.file), read_lines(sample_id_lines.file))) scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { # this job can be long, so it is better to run as non-preemptible call txt2vcf { input: tags = tags, csv_file = manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["csv"][idx], ref_fasta = ref.fasta, ref_fasta_fai = ref.fasta + ".fai", gc_window_size = gc_window_size, probeset_file = if length(select_all(select_first([is_key_equal_probeset])))>0 && batch_tbl["probeset_ids"][idx] != "" then manifest_path_with_sep + batch_tbl["probeset_ids"][idx] else None, calls_file = data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["calls"][idx], confidences_file = if length(select_all(is_key_equal_confidences))>0 then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["confidences"][idx] else None, summary_file = data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["summary"][idx], report_file = data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["report"][idx], snp_file = data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["snp"][idx], sam_file = sams[idx], reheader_map = as_map(zip(batch2barcode[(batches[idx])], batch2sample_id[(batches[idx])])), filebase = pfxs[idx], docker = gtc2vcf_docker } } } if (mode == "cel" || mode == "chp" || mode == "txt") { call tsv_concat as affy_tsv { input: tsv_files = select_first([chp2vcf.affy_tsv, txt2vcf.affy_tsv]), filebase = sample_set_id + ".affy", docker = basic_bash_docker } } Array[File] unphased_vcf_files = select_first([gtc2vcf_files, chp2vcf_files, txt2vcf.vcf_file]) Array[File] unphased_vcf_idxs = select_first([gtc2vcf_idxs, chp2vcf_idxs, txt2vcf.vcf_idx]) call lst_flatten as flatten_sample_id_lines { input: lst_files = select_first([gtc2vcf.sample_id_lines, chp2vcf.sample_id_lines, txt2vcf.sample_id_lines]), filebase = "sample_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } } if (mode_is_vcf) { call tsv_column as vcf_sample_id_lines { input: tsv_file = sample_tsv_file, column = "sample_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } } call tsv_column as computed_gender_lines { input: tsv_file = select_first([gtc_tsv.file, affy_tsv.file, sample_tsv_file]), column = "computed_gender", docker = basic_bash_docker } call tsv_column as call_rate_lines { input: tsv_file = select_first([gtc_tsv.file, affy_tsv.file, sample_tsv_file]), column = "call_rate", docker = basic_bash_docker } if (mode != "pvcf" && target != "vcf") { call ref_scatter { input: n_chrs = ref.n_chrs, ref_fasta_fai = ref.fasta + ".fai", genetic_map_file = ref.genetic_map_file, max_win_size_cm = max_win_size_cm, overlap_size_cm = overlap_size_cm, docker = pandas_docker } scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { call vcf_scatter { input: vcf_file = if mode_is_vcf then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["vcf"][idx] else select_first([unphased_vcf_files])[idx], intervals_bed = ref_scatter.intervals_bed, docker = bcftools_docker } } if (defined(extra_xcl_vcf_file)) { call vcf_scatter as xcl_vcf_scatter { input: vcf_file = select_first([extra_xcl_vcf_file]), intervals_bed = ref_scatter.intervals_bed, docker = bcftools_docker } } call lst_concat as sample_id_split_tsv { input: lst_files = vcf_scatter.sample_id_lines, filebase = "split_sample_id", docker = basic_bash_docker } Int n_smpls = length(flatten(read_tsv(sample_id_split_tsv.file))) Boolean use_reference = !select_first([do_not_use_reference, n_smpls > 2 * ref.n_panel_smpls]) Array[Array[File]] interval_slices = transpose(vcf_scatter.vcf_files) Array[String] chrs = transpose(read_tsv(ref_scatter.intervals_bed))[0] scatter (idx in range(length(chrs))) { call vcf_merge { input: vcf_files = interval_slices[idx], filebase = sample_set_id + "." + idx, docker = bcftools_docker } call vcf_qc { input: vcf_file = vcf_merge.vcf_file, vcf_idx = vcf_merge.vcf_idx, dup_file = ref.dup_file, sample_id_file = select_first([flatten_sample_id_lines.file, vcf_sample_id_lines.file]), computed_gender_file = computed_gender_lines.file, call_rate_file = call_rate_lines.file, sample_call_rate_thr = sample_call_rate_thr, variant_call_rate_thr = variant_call_rate_thr, duplicate_samples_file = duplicate_samples_file, extra_xcl_vcf_file = if defined(extra_xcl_vcf_file) then select_first([xcl_vcf_scatter.vcf_files])[idx] else None, docker = bcftools_docker } call vcf_phase { input: n_smpls = n_smpls, n_vars = vcf_qc.n_vars, unphased_vcf_file = vcf_merge.vcf_file, unphased_vcf_idx = vcf_merge.vcf_idx, genetic_map_file = ref.genetic_map_file, n_panel_smpls = if use_reference then ref.n_panel_smpls else None, ref_vcf_file = if use_reference then ref.panel_pfx + chrs[idx] + ref.panel_sfx else None, ref_vcf_idx = if use_reference then ref.panel_pfx + chrs[idx] + ref.panel_sfx + ref.panel_idx else None, xcl_vcf_file = vcf_qc.xcl_vcf_file, xcl_vcf_idx = vcf_qc.xcl_vcf_idx, chr = chrs[idx], eagle = eagle, phase_extra_args = phase_extra_args, docker = if eagle then eagle_docker else shapeit4_docker, cpu = phase_threads } call vcf_split { input: vcf_file = vcf_phase.pvcf_file, batches = batches, sample_id_file = sample_id_split_tsv.file, ped_file = ped_file, rule = if defined(ped_file) then else None, docker = bcftools_docker } } call vcf_concat as xcl_vcf_concat { input: vcf_files = vcf_qc.xcl_vcf_file, filebase = sample_set_id + ".xcl", docker = bcftools_docker } Array[Array[File]] batch_slices = transpose(vcf_split.vcf_files) scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { call vcf_concat { input: vcf_files = batch_slices[idx], ref_fasta_fai = ref.fasta + ".fai", filebase = pfxs[idx] + ".GT", docker = bcftools_docker } call vcf_import { input: pvcf_file = vcf_concat.vcf_file, pvcf_idx = vcf_concat.vcf_idx, unphased_vcf_file = if mode_is_vcf then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["vcf"][idx] else select_first([unphased_vcf_files])[idx], unphased_vcf_idx = if mode_is_vcf then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["vcf_index"][idx] else select_first([unphased_vcf_idxs])[idx], docker = bcftools_docker } } } if (target == "calls" || target == "pngs") { scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { call vcf_mocha { input: rule =, pvcf_file = if mode == "pvcf" then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["vcf"][idx] else select_first([vcf_import.vcf_file])[idx], pvcf_idx = if mode == "pvcf" then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["vcf_index"][idx] else select_first([vcf_import.vcf_idx])[idx], sample_id_file = select_first([flatten_sample_id_lines.file, vcf_sample_id_lines.file]), computed_gender_file = computed_gender_lines.file, call_rate_file = call_rate_lines.file, xcl_vcf_file = if mode == "pvcf" then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["xcl_vcf"][idx] else xcl_vcf_concat.vcf_file, xcl_vcf_idx = if mode == "pvcf" then data_paths_with_sep[idx] + batch_tbl["xcl_vcf_index"][idx] else xcl_vcf_concat.vcf_idx, cnp_file = ref.cnp_file, mhc_reg = if ref.mhc_reg != "" then ref.mhc_reg else None, kir_reg = if ref.kir_reg != "" then ref.kir_reg else None, mocha_extra_args = mocha_extra_args, ext_string = ext_string, docker = mocha_docker } if (target == "pngs") { call mocha_plot { input: vcf_file = vcf_mocha.mocha_vcf_file, vcf_idx = vcf_mocha.mocha_vcf_idx, stats_tsv = vcf_mocha.stats_tsv, calls_tsv = vcf_mocha.calls_tsv, cyto_file = ref.cyto_file, call_rate_thr = sample_call_rate_thr, baf_auto_thr = baf_auto_thr, mocha_plot_extra_args = mocha_plot_extra_args, docker = mocha_plot_docker } } } call tsv_concat as mocha_stats_tsv { input: tsv_files = vcf_mocha.stats_tsv, filebase = sample_set_id + ".stats", docker = basic_bash_docker } call tsv_concat as mocha_calls_tsv { input: tsv_files = vcf_mocha.calls_tsv, filebase = sample_set_id + ".calls", docker = basic_bash_docker } call mocha_summary { input: calls_tsv = mocha_calls_tsv.file, stats_tsv = mocha_stats_tsv.file, ucsc_beds = vcf_mocha.ucsc_bed, cyto_file = ref.cyto_file, filebase = sample_set_id, call_rate_thr = sample_call_rate_thr, baf_auto_thr = baf_auto_thr, docker = mocha_plot_docker } } # generate a table summarizing the main output files and serialize the table to disk # vcf_files and vcf_idxs are defined in the output section scatter (idx in range(n_batches)) { String basename_vcf_files = basename(vcf_files[idx]) String basename_vcf_idxs = basename(vcf_idxs[idx]) String basename_xcl_vcf_files = basename(if mode == "pvcf" then batch_tbl["xcl_vcf"][idx] else select_first([xcl_vcf_concat.vcf_file, ""])) String basename_xcl_vcf_idxs = basename(if mode == "pvcf" then batch_tbl["xcl_vcf_index"][idx] else select_first([xcl_vcf_concat.vcf_idx, ""])) } Map[String, Array[String]] output_map = { "batch_id": batch_tbl["batch_id"], "vcf": basename_vcf_files, "vcf_index": basename_vcf_idxs, "xcl_vcf": basename_xcl_vcf_files, "xcl_vcf_index": basename_xcl_vcf_idxs, } scatter (key in ["batch_id", "vcf", "vcf_index", "xcl_vcf", "xcl_vcf_index"]) { Array[String] output_tsv_cols = output_map[key] } call write_tsv { input: tsv = flatten([[["batch_id", "vcf", "vcf_index", "xcl_vcf", "xcl_vcf_index"]], transpose(output_tsv_cols)]), filebase = sample_set_id + ".output", docker = basic_bash_docker } output { File? ref_intervals_bed = ref_scatter.intervals_bed File? green_idat_tsv_file = green_idat_tsv.file File? red_idat_tsv_file = red_idat_tsv.file File? gtc_tsv_file = gtc_tsv.file File? cel_tsv_file = cel_tsv.file File? affy_tsv_file = affy_tsv.file File sample_id_file = select_first([flatten_sample_id_lines.file, vcf_sample_id_lines.file]) File computed_gender_file = computed_gender_lines.file File call_rate_file = call_rate_lines.file File? mocha_stats_file = mocha_stats_tsv.file File? mocha_calls_file = mocha_calls_tsv.file File? mocha_ucsc_bed = mocha_summary.ucsc_bed File? mocha_summary_pdf = mocha_summary.summary_pdf File? mocha_pileup_pdf = mocha_summary.pileup_pdf Array[File]? png_files = if target == "pngs" then flatten(select_all(select_first([mocha_plot.png_files]))) else None Array[File]? bam_files = csv2bam.bam_file Array[File]? mendel_files = if mode != "pvcf" && target != "vcf" && defined(ped_file) then select_all(select_first([vcf_split.mendel_tsv])) else None Array[File]? gtc_files = if mode == "idat" && gtc_output then flatten(select_first([idat2gtc.gtc_files])) else None Array[File]? chp_files = if mode == "cel" && chp_output then flatten(select_first([cel2chp.chp_files])) else None Array[File]? snp_files = if mode == "cel" && chp_output then select_first([cel2chp.snp_file]) else None Array[File] vcf_files = select_first([vcf_mocha.mocha_vcf_file, vcf_import.vcf_file, unphased_vcf_files]) Array[File] vcf_idxs = select_first([vcf_mocha.mocha_vcf_idx, vcf_import.vcf_idx, unphased_vcf_idxs]) File? xcl_vcf_file = xcl_vcf_concat.vcf_file File? xcl_vcf_idx = xcl_vcf_concat.vcf_idx File output_tsv_file = write_tsv.file } meta { author: "Giulio Genovese (with help from Chris Whelan)" email: "" description: "See the [MoChA]( website for more information." } } task tsv_sorted { input { File tsv_file String column String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } String filebase = basename(tsv_file, ".tsv") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{tsv_file}" . col=$(head -n1 "~{basename(tsv_file)}" | tr '\t' '\n' | awk -F"\t" '$0=="~{column}" {print NR}') if [ "$col" == "" ]; then echo "Column \"~{column}\" does not exist" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cat "~{basename(tsv_file)}" | (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort -k $col,$col -s -t $'\t') > "~{filebase}.sorted.tsv" rm "~{basename(tsv_file)}" >>> output { File file = filebase + ".sorted.tsv" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task tsv_column { input { File tsv_file String column String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{tsv_file}" . col=$(head -n1 "~{basename(tsv_file)}" | tr '\t' '\n' | awk -F"\t" '$0=="~{column}" {print NR}') if [ "$col" == "" ]; then echo "Column \"~{column}\" does not exist" 1>&2 exit 1 fi ~{if column != "call_rate" then "tail -n+2 \"" + basename(tsv_file) + "\" | cut -f$col > \"" + column + ".lines\"" else "max_call_rate=$(tail -n+2 \"" + basename(tsv_file) + "\" | cut -f$col | sort -g | tail -n1)\n" + "tail -n+2 \"" + basename(tsv_file) + "\" | cut -f$col | if [[ $max_call_rate > 1.0 ]]; then awk '{print $0/100}'; else cat; fi > \"" + column + ".lines\"\n"} rm "~{basename(tsv_file)}" >>> output { File file = column + ".lines" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task tsv_concat { input { Array[File]+ tsv_files String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail tsv_files=~{write_lines(tsv_files)} ~{if length(tsv_files) > 1 then "cat $tsv_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 mv -t .\n" + "sed -i 's/^.*\\///' $tsv_files\n" + "(head -n1 \"" + basename(tsv_files[0]) + "\";\n" + "cat $tsv_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 tail -qn+2) > \"" + filebase + ".tsv\"\n" + "cat $tsv_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 rm" else "mv \"" + tsv_files[0] + "\" \"" + filebase + ".tsv\""} >>> output { File file = filebase + ".tsv" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task lst_flatten { input { Array[File] lst_files String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail lst_files=~{write_lines(lst_files)} cat $lst_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $lst_files cat $lst_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 awk 1 > "~{filebase}.lines" cat $lst_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File file = filebase + ".lines" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task lst_concat { input { Array[File] lst_files String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail lst_files=~{write_lines(lst_files)} cat $lst_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $lst_files cat $lst_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 awk '{printf $0"\t"} END {printf "\n"}' | sed 's/\t$//' > "~{filebase}.tsv" cat $lst_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File file = filebase + ".tsv" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # this task generates sub batches from batches and then returns them in the same order as batches # batch_id_file should contain batch names without the delim string, or else behavior is undefined task batch_scatter { input { File batch_id_file Int sub_batch_size String delim String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{batch_id_file}" . awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR {x[$0]++} NR>FNR {n=x[$0]/int((x[$0]-1)/~{sub_batch_size}+1); if (x[$0]>n) print $0"~{delim}"int(y[$0]/n); else print $0; y[$0]++}' \ "~{basename(batch_id_file)}" "~{basename(batch_id_file)}" > sub_batch_ids.lines uniq sub_batch_ids.lines uniq sub_batch_ids.lines | cut -d"~{delim}" -f1 | awk '!x[$0]++ {idx++} {print idx-1}' 1>&2 rm "~{basename(batch_id_file)}" >>> output { File sub_batch_id = "sub_batch_ids.lines" Array[String] sub_batches = read_lines(stdout()) Array[Int] idxs = read_lines(stderr()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task get_barcodes { input { File lst_files String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{lst_files}" . sed 's/^.*\///;s/.gz$//;s/_Grn.idat$//;s/.gtc$//;s/.CEL$//;s/.AxiomGT1.chp$//;s/.birdseed-v2.chp$//' "~{basename(lst_files)}" > barcodes.lines rm "~{basename(lst_files)}" >>> output { File file = "barcodes.lines" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task write_tsv { input { Array[Array[String]] tsv String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< mv ~{write_tsv(tsv)} "~{filebase}.tsv" >>> output { File file = filebase + ".tsv" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task csv2bam { input { String plugin = "gtc2vcf" File csv_file File ref_fasta Array[File]+ ref_fasta_idxs String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float csv_size = (if basename(csv_file) != basename(csv_file, ".gz") then 4.0 else 1.0) * size(csv_file, "GiB") Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GiB") Float index_size = size(ref_fasta_idxs, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * csv_size + ref_size + index_size)]) # if gtc2vcf was memory efficient this requirement could be eased Float memory = select_first([memory_override, ceil(7.25 + 2.5 * csv_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep="\n" flatten([[csv_file, ref_fasta], ref_fasta_idxs])}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . bcftools +~{plugin} \ --csv "~{basename(csv_file)}" \ --fasta-flank | \ bwa mem~{if cpu > 1 then " -t " + cpu else ""} -M "~{basename(ref_fasta)}" - | \ samtools view -bS -o "~{basename(basename(csv_file, ".gz"), ".csv")}.bam" echo "~{sep="\n" flatten([[csv_file, ref_fasta], ref_fasta_idxs])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File bam_file = basename(basename(csv_file, ".gz"), ".csv") + ".bam" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # task idat2gtc { input { File bpm_file File egt_file Array[File]+ green_idat_files Array[File]+ red_idat_files Boolean is_gender_autocall = true # from dsde-pipelines/tasks/IlluminaGenotypingArrayTasks.wdl Boolean autoconvert = false String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 Float mult = 6.0 # to estimate the amount of memory required given the size of the manifest files } Float bpm_size = (if basename(bpm_file) != basename(bpm_file, ".gz") then 4.0 else 1.0) * size(bpm_file, "GiB") Float egt_size = (if basename(egt_file) != basename(egt_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(egt_file, "GiB") Float green_idat_size = length(green_idat_files) * size(green_idat_files[0], "GiB") Float red_idat_size = length(red_idat_files) * size(red_idat_files[0], "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + bpm_size + egt_size + 4.0 * (green_idat_size + red_idat_size))]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + mult * (bpm_size + egt_size)]) # will request more than 8GB for Omni5 command <<< set -euo pipefail green_idat_files=~{write_lines(green_idat_files)} red_idat_files=~{write_lines(red_idat_files)} mv "~{bpm_file}" . mv "~{egt_file}" . cat $green_idat_files $red_idat_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $green_idat_files $red_idat_files ~{if basename(bpm_file) != basename(bpm_file, ".gz") then "gunzip --force \"" + basename(bpm_file) + "\"" else ""} ~{if basename(egt_file) != basename(egt_file, ".gz") then "gunzip --force \"" + basename(egt_file) + "\"" else ""} (grep -h "\.gz" $green_idat_files $red_idat_files || if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then true; else exit $?; fi) | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 gunzip --force sed -i 's/.gz$//' $green_idat_files $red_idat_files bcftools +gtc2vcf --idat --gtcs $green_idat_files --output "~{filebase}.green_idat.tsv" bcftools +gtc2vcf --idat --gtcs $red_idat_files --output "~{filebase}.red_idat.tsv" ~{if autoconvert then "sed -i 's/^ 4<\\/NumberOfThreads>\\r$/ " + cpu + "<\\/NumberOfThreads>\\r/' \\\n" + " \"/opt/AutoConvert 2.0/AutoCallConfig.xml\"\n" + "mkdir gtcs\n" + "cat $green_idat_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | \\\n" + " xargs -0 -i mono \\\n" + " \"/opt/AutoConvert 2.0/AutoConvert.exe\" \\\n" + " \"{}\" \\\n" + " gtcs \\\n" + " \"" + basename(bpm_file, ".gz") + "\" \\\n" + " \"" + basename(egt_file, ".gz") + "\" \\\n" else "iaap-cli \\\n" + " gencall \\\n" + " \"" + basename(bpm_file, ".gz") + "\" \\\n" + " \"" + basename(egt_file, ".gz") + "\" \\\n" + " gtcs \\\n" + " --idat-folder . \\\n" + " --output-gtc \\\n" + (if is_gender_autocall then " --gender-estimate-call-rate-threshold -0.1 \\\n" else "") + (if cpu > 1 then " --num-threads " + cpu + " \\\n" else "")} 1>&2 sed 's/^/gtcs\//;s/_Grn\.idat$/.gtc/' $green_idat_files rm "~{basename(bpm_file, ".gz")}" rm "~{basename(egt_file, ".gz")}" cat $green_idat_files $red_idat_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File green_idat_tsv = filebase + ".green_idat.tsv" File red_idat_tsv = filebase + ".red_idat.tsv" Directory gtcs = "gtcs" Array[File] gtc_files = read_lines(stdout()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # task cel2affy { input { File? xml_file File? zip_file Array[File]+ cel_files File? cdf File? chrX_snps File? special_snps File? chrX_probes File? chrY_probes File? probeset_file Array[String]? chip_type Boolean table_output = false String? qmethod_spec File? read_models_brlmmp String? set_analysis_name File? target_sketch String? set_gender_method String? em_gender Float? female_thresh Float? male_thresh String filebase String docker Int cpu = 1 # unfortunately this task is not parallelizable Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 0 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float xml_size = size(xml_file, "GiB") Float zip_size = size(zip_file, "GiB") Float cel_size = length(cel_files) * size(cel_files[0], "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + xml_size + zip_size + (if table_output then 8.0 else 6.0) * cel_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 2 * 7.25]) String? zip_dir = if defined(zip_file) then basename(select_first([zip_file]), ".zip") else None String analysis_name = if defined(set_analysis_name) then set_analysis_name else "AxiomGT1" command <<< set -euo pipefail cel_files=~{write_lines(cel_files)} echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([xml_file, zip_file, cdf, chrX_snps, special_snps, chrX_probes, chrY_probes, read_models_brlmmp, target_sketch])}" | \ cat - $cel_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $cel_files (grep "\.gz" $cel_files || if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then true; else exit $?; fi) | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 gunzip --force sed -i 's/.gz$//' $cel_files ~{if defined(zip_file) then "unzip -jd \"" + zip_dir + "\" \"" + basename(select_first([zip_file])) + "\" 1>&2" else ""} bcftools +affy2vcf --cel --chps $cel_files --output "~{filebase}.cel.tsv" echo "cel_files" | cat - $cel_files > cel_files.lines apt-probeset-genotype \ ~{if defined(zip_dir) then "--analysis-files-path \"" + zip_dir + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(xml_file) then "--xml-file \"" + basename(select_first([xml_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ --cel-files cel_files.lines \ ~{if defined(cdf) then "--cdf-file \"" + basename(select_first([cdf])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(chrX_snps) then "--chrX-snps \"" + basename(select_first([chrX_snps])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(special_snps) then "--special-snps \"" + basename(select_first([special_snps])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(chrX_probes) then "--chrX-probes \"" + basename(select_first([chrX_probes])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(chrY_probes) then "--chrY-probes \"" + basename(select_first([chrY_probes])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(probeset_file) then "--probeset-ids \"" + select_first([probeset_file]) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(chip_type) then "--chip-type " else ""}~{sep=" --chip-type " chip_type} \ --table-output ~{table_output} \ --cc-chp-output \ ~{if table_output then "--summaries" else ""} \ ~{if defined(qmethod_spec) then "--qmethod-spec " + qmethod_spec else ""} \ ~{if defined(read_models_brlmmp) then "--read-models-brlmmp \"" + basename(select_first([read_models_brlmmp])) + "\"" else ""} \ --write-models \ ~{if defined(target_sketch) then "--target-sketch \"" + basename(select_first([target_sketch])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(set_analysis_name) then "--set-analysis-name " + set_analysis_name else ""} \ ~{if defined(set_gender_method) then "--set-gender-method " + set_gender_method else ""} \ ~{if defined(em_gender) then "--em-gender " + em_gender else ""} \ ~{if defined(female_thresh) then "--female-thresh " + female_thresh else ""} \ ~{if defined(male_thresh) then "--male-thresh " + male_thresh else ""} for sfx in snp-posteriors report~{if table_output then " calls confidences summary normalized-summary" else ""}; do mv "~{analysis_name}.$sfx.txt" "~{filebase}.$sfx.txt" done sed 's/^/cc-chp\//;s/\.CEL$/.~{analysis_name}.chp/' $cel_files echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([xml_file, zip_file, cdf, chrX_snps, special_snps, chrX_probes, chrY_probes, read_models_brlmmp, target_sketch])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | cat - $cel_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm ~{if defined(zip_file) then "rm -r \"" + zip_dir + "\"" else ""} rm cel_files.lines >>> output { File cel_tsv = filebase + ".cel.tsv" Directory chps = "cc-chp" Array[File] chp_files = read_lines(stdout()) File log_file = "apt-probeset-genotype.log" File snp_file = filebase + ".snp-posteriors.txt" File report_file = filebase + ".report.txt" File? calls_file = if table_output then filebase + ".calls.txt" else None File? confidences_file = if table_output then filebase + ".confidences.txt" else None File? summary_file = if table_output then filebase + ".summary.txt" else None File? normalized_summary_file = if table_output then filebase + ".normalized-summary.txt" else None } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task gtc2vcf { input { String? tags File bpm_file File csv_file File egt_file File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_fai Int? gc_window_size Array[File]+ gtc_files Int capacity = 32768 Boolean use_gtc_sample_names = false Boolean do_not_check_bpm = false File? sam_file Map[String, String]? reheader_map String filebase Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float bpm_size = (if basename(bpm_file) != basename(bpm_file, ".gz") then 4.0 else 1.0) * size(bpm_file, "GiB") Float csv_size = (if basename(csv_file) != basename(csv_file, ".gz") then 4.0 else 1.0) * size(csv_file, "GiB") Float egt_size = (if basename(egt_file) != basename(egt_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(egt_file, "GiB") Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GiB") Float gtc_size = length(gtc_files) * size(gtc_files[0], "GiB") Float sam_size = size(sam_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + bpm_size + csv_size + egt_size + ref_size + 8.0 * gtc_size + sam_size)]) # due to heavy random access to the reference genome, it is important here that enough memory to cache the reference is provided Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + 2.0 * csv_size + 2.0 * egt_size + ref_size + length(gtc_files) * capacity * 19 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) command <<< set -euo pipefail gtc_files=~{write_lines(gtc_files)} echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([bpm_file, csv_file, egt_file, ref_fasta, ref_fasta_fai, sam_file])}" | \ cat - $gtc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $gtc_files ~{if basename(bpm_file) != basename(bpm_file, ".gz") then "gunzip --force \"" + basename(bpm_file) + "\"" else ""} ~{if basename(egt_file) != basename(egt_file, ".gz") then "gunzip --force \"" + basename(egt_file) + "\"" else ""} (grep "\.gz" $gtc_files || if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then true; else exit $?; fi) | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 gunzip --force sed -i 's/.gz$//' $gtc_files ~{if defined(reheader_map) then "reheader_file=" else ""}~{if defined(reheader_map) then write_map(select_first([reheader_map])) else ""} bcftools +gtc2vcf \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ ~{if defined(tags) then "--tags " + tags else ""} \ --bpm "~{basename(bpm_file, ".gz")}" \ --csv "~{basename(csv_file)}" \ --egt "~{basename(egt_file, ".gz")}" \ --fasta-ref "~{basename(ref_fasta)}" \ ~{if defined(gc_window_size) then "--gc-window-size " + select_first([gc_window_size]) else ""} \ --gtcs $gtc_files \ ~{if capacity != 32768 then "--capacity " + capacity else ""} \ ~{if use_gtc_sample_names then "--use-gtc-sample-names" else ""} \ ~{if do_not_check_bpm then "--do-not-check-bpm" else ""} \ --extra "~{filebase}.gtc.tsv" \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ ~{if defined(sam_file) then "--sam-flank \"" + basename(select_first([sam_file])) + "\"" else ""} | \ ~{if defined(reheader_map) then "bcftools reheader --samples $reheader_file |" else ""} \ bcftools sort --output-type u --temp-dir ./bcftools-sort.XXXXXX | \ bcftools norm --no-version --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} --output "~{filebase}.bcf" --check-ref x --fasta-ref "~{basename(ref_fasta)}"~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.bcf" bcftools query --list-samples "~{filebase}.bcf" > "~{filebase}.sample_id.lines" rm "~{basename(bpm_file, ".gz")}" rm "~{basename(egt_file, ".gz")}" echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([csv_file, ref_fasta, ref_fasta_fai, sam_file])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | cat - $gtc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File gtc_tsv = filebase + ".gtc.tsv" File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" File sample_id_lines = filebase + ".sample_id.lines" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task chp2vcf { input { String? tags File csv_file File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_fai Int? gc_window_size File? probeset_file File snp_file Array[File] chp_files File? sam_file Map[String, String]? reheader_map String filebase Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float csv_size = (if basename(csv_file) != basename(csv_file, ".gz") then 4.0 else 1.0) * size(csv_file, "GiB") Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GiB") Float snp_size = (if basename(snp_file) != basename(snp_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(snp_file, "GiB") Float chp_size = length(chp_files) * size(chp_files[0], "GiB") Float sam_size = size(sam_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + csv_size + ref_size + 8.0 * chp_size + snp_size + sam_size)]) # due to heavy random access to the reference genome, it is important here that enough memory to cache the reference is provided Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + 2.0 * csv_size + 2.0 * snp_size + ref_size + length(chp_files) * 32768 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) command <<< set -euo pipefail chp_files=~{write_lines(chp_files)} echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([csv_file, ref_fasta, ref_fasta_fai, snp_file, sam_file])}" | \ cat - $chp_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $chp_files (grep "\.gz" $chp_files || if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then true; else exit $?; fi) | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 gunzip --force sed -i 's/.gz$//' $chp_files ~{if defined(reheader_map) then "reheader_file=" else ""}~{if defined(reheader_map) then write_map(select_first([reheader_map])) else ""} bcftools +affy2vcf \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ ~{if defined(tags) then "--tags " + tags else ""} \ --csv "~{basename(csv_file)}" \ --fasta-ref "~{basename(ref_fasta)}" \ ~{if defined(gc_window_size) then "--gc-window-size " + select_first([gc_window_size]) else ""} \ ~{if defined(probeset_file) then "--probeset-ids \"" + select_first([probeset_file]) + "\"" else ""} \ --snp "~{basename(snp_file)}" \ --chps $chp_files \ --extra "~{filebase}.affy.tsv" \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ ~{if defined(sam_file) then "--sam-flank \"" + basename(select_first([sam_file])) + "\"" else ""} | \ ~{if defined(reheader_map) then "bcftools reheader --samples $reheader_file |" else ""} \ bcftools sort --output-type u --temp-dir ./bcftools-sort.XXXXXX | \ bcftools norm --no-version --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} --output "~{filebase}.bcf" --check-ref x --fasta-ref "~{basename(ref_fasta)}"~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.bcf" bcftools query --list-samples "~{filebase}.bcf" > "~{filebase}.sample_id.lines" echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([csv_file, ref_fasta, ref_fasta_fai, snp_file, sam_file])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | cat - $chp_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File affy_tsv = filebase + ".affy.tsv" File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" File sample_id_lines = filebase + ".sample_id.lines" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task txt2vcf { input { String? tags File csv_file File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_fai Int? gc_window_size File? probeset_file File calls_file File? confidences_file File summary_file File report_file File snp_file File? sam_file Map[String, String]? reheader_map String filebase Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float csv_size = (if basename(csv_file) != basename(csv_file, ".gz") then 4.0 else 1.0) * size(csv_file, "GiB") Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GiB") Float calls_size = (if basename(calls_file) != basename(calls_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(calls_file, "GiB") Float confidences_size = (if defined(confidences_file) && basename(select_first([confidences_file])) != basename(select_first([confidences_file]), ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(confidences_file, "GiB") Float summary_size = (if basename(summary_file) != basename(summary_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(summary_file, "GiB") Float report_size = (if basename(report_file) != basename(report_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(report_file, "GiB") Float snp_size = (if basename(snp_file) != basename(snp_file, ".gz") then 2.0 else 1.0) * size(snp_file, "GiB") Float sam_size = size(sam_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + csv_size + ref_size + 8.0 * (calls_size + confidences_size + summary_size) + 2.0 * report_size + snp_size + sam_size)]) # due to heavy random access to the reference genome, it is important here that enough memory to cache the reference is provided Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + 2.0 * csv_size + 2.0 * snp_size + ref_size]) command <<< set -euo pipefail ~{if defined(reheader_map) then "reheader_file=" else ""}~{if defined(reheader_map) then write_map(select_first([reheader_map])) else ""} echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([csv_file, ref_fasta, ref_fasta_fai, calls_file, confidences_file, summary_file, report_file, snp_file, sam_file])}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if basename(report_file) != basename(report_file, ".gz") then "gunzip --force \"" + basename(report_file) + "\"" else ""} (~{if basename(calls_file) != basename(calls_file, ".gz") then "z" else ""}grep -v ^# "~{basename(calls_file)}" || if [[ $? -eq 141 ]]; then true; else exit $?; fi) | \ head -n1 | tr '\t' '\n' | tail -n+2 | \ awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR && $0!~"^#" {if ($1=="cel_files") print; else x[$1]=$0} NR>FNR {print x[$1]}' \ "~{basename(report_file, ".gz")}" - > ~{filebase}.affy.tsv rm "~{basename(report_file, ".gz")}" bcftools +affy2vcf \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ ~{if defined(tags) then "--tags " + tags else ""} \ --csv "~{basename(csv_file)}" \ --fasta-ref "~{basename(ref_fasta)}" \ ~{if defined(gc_window_size) then "--gc-window-size " + select_first([gc_window_size]) else ""} \ ~{if defined(probeset_file) then "--probeset-ids \"" + select_first([probeset_file]) + "\"" else ""} \ --calls "~{basename(calls_file)}" \ ~{if defined(confidences_file) then "--confidences \"" + basename(select_first([confidences_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ --summary "~{basename(summary_file)}" \ --snp "~{basename(snp_file)}" \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ ~{if defined(sam_file) then "--sam-flank \"" + basename(select_first([sam_file])) + "\"" else ""} | \ ~{if defined(reheader_map) then "bcftools reheader --samples $reheader_file |" else ""} \ bcftools sort --output-type u --temp-dir ./bcftools-sort.XXXXXX | \ bcftools norm --no-version --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} --output "~{filebase}.bcf" --check-ref x --fasta-ref "~{basename(ref_fasta)}"~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.bcf" bcftools query --list-samples "~{filebase}.bcf" > "~{filebase}.sample_id.lines" echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([csv_file, ref_fasta, ref_fasta_fai, calls_file, confidences_file, summary_file, snp_file, sam_file])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File affy_tsv = filebase + ".affy.tsv" File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" File sample_id_lines = filebase + ".sample_id.lines" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task ref_scatter { input { Int n_chrs File ref_fasta_fai File genetic_map_file Float max_win_size_cm Float overlap_size_cm String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } String filebase = basename(ref_fasta_fai, ".fai") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{ref_fasta_fai}" . mv "~{genetic_map_file}" . head -n~{n_chrs} "~{basename(ref_fasta_fai)}" | cut -f1,2 > chr2len.tsv python3 <>> output { File intervals_bed = filebase + ".bed" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # task vcf_scatter { input { File vcf_file File intervals_bed String other = "other" Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{intervals_bed}" . awk -F"\t" '{print $1":"$2"-"$3"\t"NR-1}' "~{basename(intervals_bed)}" > regions.lines bcftools query --list-samples "~{basename(vcf_file)}" > "~{filebase}.sample_id.lines" bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type u \ --remove ID,QUAL,INFO,^FMT/GT \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | \ bcftools +scatter \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output vcfs \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ --scatter-file regions.lines \ --prefix "~{filebase}." \ --extra "~{other}" cut -f2 regions.lines | sed 's/^/vcfs\/~{filebase}./;s/$/.bcf/' rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(intervals_bed)}" rm regions.lines >>> output { File sample_id_lines = filebase + ".sample_id.lines" Directory vcfs = "vcfs" Array[File] vcf_files = read_lines(stdout()) File other_vcf_file = "vcfs/" + filebase + "." + other + ".bcf" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_merge { input { Array[File]+ vcf_files String filebase Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_files, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10 + 2.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) command <<< set -euo pipefail ~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then "vcf_files=" else ""}~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then write_lines(vcf_files) else ""} ~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then "cat $vcf_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 mv -t .\n" + "sed -i 's/^.*\\///' $vcf_files\n" + "bcftools merge \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type " + (if uncompressed then "u" else "b") + " \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".bcf\" \\\n" + " --file-list $vcf_files \\\n" + " --merge none \\\n" + " --no-index \\\n" + (if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else "") else "mv \"" + vcf_files[0] + "\" \"" + filebase + ".bcf\""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.bcf" ~{if length(vcf_files) > 1 then "cat $vcf_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 rm" else ""} >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_qc { input { File vcf_file File vcf_idx File dup_file File sample_id_file File computed_gender_file File call_rate_file Float sample_call_rate_thr = 0.97 Float variant_call_rate_thr = 0.97 Float dup_divergence_thr = 0.02 Float genotype_exc_het_thr = 0.000001 Float genotype_sex_cor_thr = 0.000001 File? duplicate_samples_file File? extra_xcl_vcf_file Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([vcf_file, vcf_idx, dup_file, sample_id_file, computed_gender_file, call_rate_file, duplicate_samples_file, extra_xcl_vcf_file])}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . paste -d $'\t' "~{basename(sample_id_file)}" "~{basename(computed_gender_file)}" > paste -d $'\t' "~{basename(sample_id_file)}" "~{basename(call_rate_file)}" | \ awk -F"\t" '$2<~{sample_call_rate_thr} {print $1}' ~{if defined(duplicate_samples_file) then "| \\\n" + " cat - \"" + basename(select_first([duplicate_samples_file])) + "\" | \\\n" + " sort | uniq " else ""}> samples_xcl.lines bcftools query --format "\n" "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | wc -l echo '##INFO=' | \ bcftools annotate --no-version --output-type u --annotations "~{basename(dup_file)}" --columns CHROM,FROM,TO,JK --header-lines /dev/stdin~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} "~{basename(vcf_file)}" | \ bcftools view --no-version --output-type u~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} --samples-file ^samples_xcl.lines | \ bcftools +fill-tags --no-version --output-type u --targets ^Y,MT,chrY,chrM~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} -- --tags ExcHet,F_MISSING | \ bcftools +mochatools --no-version --output-type u~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} -- --sex --drop-genotypes | \ bcftools annotate --no-version --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} --output "~{filebase}.xcl.bcf" \ --include 'FILTER!="." && FILTER!="PASS" || INFO/JK<~{dup_divergence_thr} || INFO/ExcHet<~{genotype_exc_het_thr} || INFO/F_MISSING>1-~{variant_call_rate_thr} || INFO/AC_Sex_Test<~{genotype_sex_cor_thr} && CHROM!="X" && CHROM!="chrX" && CHROM!="Y" && CHROM!="chrY"' \ --remove ^INFO/JK,^INFO/ExcHet,^INFO/F_MISSING,^INFO/AC_Sex_Test~{if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.xcl.bcf" ~{if defined(extra_xcl_vcf_file) then "mv \"" + filebase + ".xcl.bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "mv \"" + filebase + ".xcl.bcf.csi\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf.csi\"\n" + "bcftools index --force \"" + basename(select_first([extra_xcl_vcf_file])) + "\"\n" + "bcftools merge --no-version --output-type " + (if uncompressed then "u" else "b") + " --output \"" + filebase + ".xcl.bcf\" --merge none \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\" \"" + basename(select_first([extra_xcl_vcf_file])) + "\"\n" + "bcftools index --force \"" + filebase + ".xcl.bcf\"\n" + "rm \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf.csi\"" else ""} echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([vcf_file, vcf_idx, dup_file, sample_id_file, computed_gender_file, call_rate_file, duplicate_samples_file, extra_xcl_vcf_file])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm rm samples_xcl.lines >>> output { Int n_vars = read_int(stdout()) File xcl_vcf_file = filebase + ".xcl.bcf" File xcl_vcf_idx = filebase + ".xcl.bcf.csi" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_phase { input { Int n_vars Int n_smpls File unphased_vcf_file File unphased_vcf_idx File genetic_map_file Int? n_panel_smpls File? ref_vcf_file File? ref_vcf_idx File? xcl_vcf_file File? xcl_vcf_idx String chr Boolean eagle = false Boolean uncompressed = false String? phase_extra_args String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 Float mult = 6.0 # how much more memory SHAPEIT4 consumes compared to Eagle } Float vcf_size = size(unphased_vcf_file, "GiB") Float ref_size = size(ref_vcf_file, "GiB") Float xcl_size = size(xcl_vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 3.0 * vcf_size + ref_size + xcl_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5 + (if eagle then 1.5 else mult * 1.5) * n_vars * (n_smpls + (if defined(ref_vcf_file) then select_first([n_panel_smpls]) else 0)) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024]) String filebase = basename(basename(unphased_vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") String dollar = "$" command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([unphased_vcf_file, unphased_vcf_idx, genetic_map_file, ref_vcf_file, ref_vcf_idx, xcl_vcf_file, xcl_vcf_idx])}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if defined(xcl_vcf_file) then "bcftools isec \\\n" + " --no-version \\\n" + " --output-type " + (if uncompressed then "u" else "b") + " \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".isec.bcf\" \\\n" + " --complement \\\n" + " --exclude \"N_ALT>1\" \\\n" + " --write 1 \\\n" + " \"" + basename(unphased_vcf_file) + "\" \\\n" + " \"" + basename(select_first([xcl_vcf_file])) + "\"\n" + "bcftools index --force \"" + filebase + ".isec.bcf\"" else ""} ~{if eagle then "bio-eagle \\\n" + " --geneticMapFile \"" + basename(genetic_map_file) + "\" \\\n" + " --outPrefix \"" + filebase + ".tmp\" \\\n" + (if cpu > 1 then " --numThreads " + cpu + " \\\n" else "") + (if defined(ref_vcf_file) then " --vcfRef \"" + basename(select_first([ref_vcf_file])) + "\" \\\n" + " --vcfTarget \"" else " --vcf \"") + (if defined(xcl_vcf_file) then filebase + ".isec.bcf" else basename(unphased_vcf_file)) + "\" \\\n" + " --vcfOutFormat " + (if uncompressed then "u" else "b") + " \\\n" + " --chrom " + chr + " \\\n" + (if defined(phase_extra_args) then phase_extra_args + " \\\n" else "") + " 1>&2" else "chr=" + chr + "; zcat \"" + basename(genetic_map_file) + "\" | \\\n" + " sed 's/^23/X/' | awk -v chr=" + dollar + "{chr#chr} '$1==chr {print $2,$3,$4}' > genetic_map.txt\n" + "shapeit4 \\\n" + (if cpu > 1 then " --thread " + cpu + " \\\n" else "") + " --input \"" + (if defined(xcl_vcf_file) then filebase + ".isec.bcf" else basename(unphased_vcf_file)) + "\" \\\n" + (if defined(ref_vcf_file) then " --reference \"" + basename(select_first([ref_vcf_file])) + "\" \\\n" else "") + " --map genetic_map.txt \\\n" + " --region " + chr + " \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\" \\\n" + (if defined(phase_extra_args) then phase_extra_args + " \\\n" else "") + " 1>&2\n" + "rm genetic_map.txt"} ~{if defined(xcl_vcf_file) then "rm \"" + filebase + ".isec.bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".isec.bcf.csi\"" else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.tmp.bcf" bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.phased.bcf" \ --annotations "~{filebase}.tmp.bcf" \ --columns -FMT/GT \ "~{basename(unphased_vcf_file)}" \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} rm "~{filebase}.tmp.bcf" "~{filebase}.tmp.bcf.csi" echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([unphased_vcf_file, unphased_vcf_idx, genetic_map_file, ref_vcf_file, ref_vcf_idx, xcl_vcf_file, xcl_vcf_idx])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File pvcf_file = filebase + ".phased.bcf" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # task vcf_split { input { File vcf_file Array[String] batches File sample_id_file File? ped_file String? rule Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int? disk_size_override Int cpu = 1 Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) String filebase = basename(basename(vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail filebases=~{write_lines(prefix(filebase + '.', batches))} mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{sample_id_file}" . ~{if defined(ped_file) then "mv -t . \"" + ped_file + "\"" else ""} mkdir mendel ~{if defined(ped_file) && defined(rule) then "bcftools +mendelian --output \"mendel/" + filebase + ".mendel.tsv\" --rules \"" + select_first([rule]) + "\" --ped \"" + basename(select_first([ped_file])) + "\" \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\"" else ""} sed 's/\t/,/g;s/$/\t-/' "~{basename(sample_id_file)}" | paste -d $'\t' - $filebases > samples_file.txt ~{if defined(ped_file) then "bcftools +trio-phase --no-version --output-type u" + (if cpu > 1 then " --threads " + (cpu - 1) else "") + " \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\" -- --ped \"" + basename(select_first([ped_file])) + "\" | \\\n" + " bcftools +split --output-type " + (if uncompressed then "u" else "b") + " --output vcfs --samples-file samples_file.txt" else "bcftools +split --output-type " + (if uncompressed then "u" else "b") + " --output vcfs --samples-file samples_file.txt \"" + basename(vcf_file) + "\""} cut -f1 $filebases | sed 's/^/vcfs\//;s/$/.bcf/' rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(sample_id_file)}" ~{if defined(ped_file) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([ped_file])) + "\"" else ""} rm samples_file.txt >>> output { File? mendel_tsv = if defined(ped_file) then "mendel/" + filebase + ".mendel.tsv" else None Directory vcfs = "vcfs" Array[File] vcf_files = read_lines(stdout()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_concat { input { Array[File]+ vcf_files File? other_vcf_file File? ref_fasta_fai Boolean ligate = true String filebase Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_files, "GiB") Float other_vcf_size = size(other_vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * vcf_size + 2.0 * other_vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) command <<< set -euo pipefail vcf_files=~{write_lines(vcf_files)} ~{if defined(other_vcf_file) then "echo \"" + other_vcf_file + "\" >> $vcf_files" else ""} ~{if defined(ref_fasta_fai) then "mv \"" + select_first([ref_fasta_fai]) + "\" ." else ""} cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $vcf_files ~{if ligate then "cat $vcf_files | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 bcftools index --force" else ""} bcftools concat \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --file-list $vcf_files \ ~{if ligate then "--ligate" else ""} \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ --output "~{filebase}.bcf" ~{if defined(ref_fasta_fai) then "mv \"" + filebase + ".bcf\" \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "bcftools reheader \\\n" + " --fai \"" + basename(select_first([ref_fasta_fai])) + "\" \\\n" + " --output \"" + filebase + ".bcf\" \\\n" + " \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"\n" + "rm \"" + filebase + ".tmp.bcf\"" else ""} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.bcf" ~{if ligate then "cat $vcf_files | sed 's/$/.csi/' | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 rm" else ""} ~{if defined(ref_fasta_fai) then "rm \"" + basename(select_first([ref_fasta_fai])) + "\"" else ""} cat $vcf_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + ".bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".bcf.csi" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_import { input { File pvcf_file File pvcf_idx File unphased_vcf_file File unphased_vcf_idx Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float gt_size = size(pvcf_file, "GiB") Float vcf_size = size(unphased_vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * gt_size + 2.0 * vcf_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, 3.5]) String filebase = basename(basename(unphased_vcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{pvcf_file}" . mv "~{pvcf_idx}" . mv "~{unphased_vcf_file}" . mv "~{unphased_vcf_idx}" . bcftools annotate \ --no-version \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.phased.bcf" \ --annotations "~{basename(pvcf_file)}" \ --columns -FMT/GT \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ "~{basename(unphased_vcf_file)}" bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.phased.bcf" rm "~{basename(pvcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(pvcf_idx)}" rm "~{basename(unphased_vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(unphased_vcf_idx)}" >>> output { File vcf_file = filebase + ".phased.bcf" File vcf_idx = filebase + ".phased.bcf.csi" } runtime { memory: memory + " GiB" disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" cpu: cpu docker: docker preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task vcf_mocha { input { String rule File pvcf_file File pvcf_idx File? sample_id_file File? computed_gender_file File? call_rate_file File? xcl_vcf_file File? xcl_vcf_idx File? cnp_file String? mhc_reg String? kir_reg String? mocha_extra_args String ext_string Boolean uncompressed = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float? memory_override Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float pvcf_size = size(pvcf_file, "GiB") Float xcl_size = size(xcl_vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + 2.0 * pvcf_size + xcl_size)]) Float memory = select_first([memory_override, ceil(4.0 + 0.1 * pvcf_size)]) String filebase = basename(basename(pvcf_file, ".bcf"), ".vcf.gz") command <<< set -euo pipefail echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([pvcf_file, pvcf_idx, sample_id_file, computed_gender_file, call_rate_file, xcl_vcf_file, xcl_vcf_idx, cnp_file])}" | \ tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . ~{if defined(sample_id_file) && defined(computed_gender_file) then "paste -d $'\\t' \"" + basename(select_first([sample_id_file])) + "\" \"" + basename(select_first([computed_gender_file])) + "\" >" else ""} ~{if defined(sample_id_file) && defined(call_rate_file) then "paste -d $'\\t' \"" + basename(select_first([sample_id_file])) + "\" \"" + basename(select_first([call_rate_file])) + "\" >" else ""} bcftools +mocha \ --rules "~{rule}" \ --no-version \ ~{if defined(sample_id_file) && defined(computed_gender_file) then "--sex" else ""} \ ~{if defined(sample_id_file) && defined(call_rate_file) then "--call-rate" else ""} \ ~{if defined(xcl_vcf_file) then "--variants \"^" + basename(select_first([xcl_vcf_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(cnp_file) then "--cnp \"" + basename(select_first([cnp_file])) + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(mhc_reg) then "--mhc \"" + mhc_reg + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if defined(kir_reg) then "--kir \"" + kir_reg + "\"" else ""} \ ~{if cpu > 1 then "--threads " + (cpu - 1) else ""} \ --output-type ~{if uncompressed then "u" else "b"} \ --output "~{filebase}.~{ext_string}.bcf" \ --mosaic-calls "~{filebase}.calls.tsv" \ --genome-stats "~{filebase}.stats.tsv" \ --ucsc-bed "~{filebase}.ucsc.bed" \ "~{basename(pvcf_file)}" \ ~{mocha_extra_args} bcftools index --force "~{filebase}.~{ext_string}.bcf" echo "~{sep="\n" select_all([pvcf_file, pvcf_idx, sample_id_file, computed_gender_file, call_rate_file, xcl_vcf_file, xcl_vcf_idx, cnp_file])}" | \ sed 's/^.*\///' | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm ~{if defined(sample_id_file) && defined(computed_gender_file) then "rm" else ""} >>> output { File mocha_vcf_file = filebase + "." + ext_string + ".bcf" File mocha_vcf_idx = filebase + "." + ext_string + ".bcf.csi" File calls_tsv = filebase + ".calls.tsv" File stats_tsv = filebase + ".stats.tsv" File ucsc_bed = filebase + ".ucsc.bed" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } # task mocha_plot { input { File vcf_file File vcf_idx File calls_tsv File stats_tsv File cyto_file Float call_rate_thr = 0.97 Float baf_auto_thr = 0.03 String? mocha_plot_extra_args Boolean do_not_plot_sex_chromosomes = false String docker Int cpu = 1 Int? disk_size_override Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } Float vcf_size = size(vcf_file, "GiB") Int disk_size = select_first([disk_size_override, ceil(10.0 + vcf_size)]) command <<< set -euo pipefail mv "~{vcf_file}" . mv "~{vcf_idx}" . mv "~{calls_tsv}" . mv "~{stats_tsv}" . mv "~{cyto_file}" . mkdir pngs beg_pos=$(head -n1 "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" | tr '\t' '\n' | grep ^beg_) end_pos=$(head -n1 "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" | tr '\t' '\n' | grep ^end_) awk -F"\t" -v OFS="\t" -v beg_pos=$beg_pos -v end_pos=$end_pos ' NR==FNR && FNR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} NR==FNR && FNR>1 {sample_id=$(f["sample_id"]); call_rate=$(f["call_rate"]); baf_auto=$(f["baf_auto"])} NR==FNR && FNR>1 && (call_rate<~{call_rate_thr} || baf_auto>~{baf_auto_thr}) {xcl[sample_id]++} NR>FNR && FNR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) g[$i] = i} NR>FNR && FNR>1 {sample_id=$(g["sample_id"]); chrom=$(g["chrom"]); beg=$(g[beg_pos]); end=$(g[end_pos]); len=$(g["length"]); p_arm=$(g["p_arm"]); q_arm=$(g["q_arm"]); bdev=$(g["bdev"]); rel_cov=$(g["rel_cov"]); lod_baf_phase=$(g["lod_baf_phase"]); type=$(g["type"]); if (lod_baf_phase=="nan") lod_baf_phase=0} NR>FNR && FNR>1 && !(sample_id in xcl) && rel_cov>0.5 && type!~"^CNP" &&~{if do_not_plot_sex_chromosomes then "\n chrom!=\"X\" && chrom!=\"chrX\" && chrom!=\"Y\" && chrom!=\"chrY\" &&" else ""} ( len>5e6 + 5e6 * (p_arm!="N" && q_arm!="N") || len>5e5 && (bdev<1/10 && rel_cov<2.5) && lod_baf_phase>10 || rel_cov<2.1 && lod_baf_phase>10 ) {print sample_id,chrom,beg,end}' \ "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" > "~{basename(calls_tsv, ".tsv")}.coords.tsv" while read sample_id chrom beg_pos end_pos; do mocha_plot.R \ --cytoband "~{basename(cyto_file)}" \ --mocha \ --stats "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" \ --png pngs/$sample_id.${chrom}_${beg_pos}_$end_pos.png \ --vcf "~{basename(vcf_file)}" \ --samples $sample_id \ --regions $chrom:$beg_pos-$end_pos \ ~{mocha_plot_extra_args} echo pngs/$sample_id.${chrom}_${beg_pos}_$end_pos.png done < "~{basename(calls_tsv, ".tsv")}.coords.tsv" rm "~{basename(calls_tsv, ".tsv")}.coords.tsv" rm "~{basename(vcf_file)}" rm "~{basename(vcf_idx)}" rm "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" rm "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" rm "~{basename(cyto_file)}" >>> output { Directory pngs = "pngs" Array[File] png_files = read_lines(stdout()) } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } } task mocha_summary { input { File calls_tsv File stats_tsv Array[File]+ ucsc_beds File cyto_file String filebase Float call_rate_thr = 0.97 Float baf_auto_thr = 0.03 String docker Int cpu = 1 Int disk_size = 10 Float memory = 3.5 Int preemptible = 1 Int maxRetries = 0 } command <<< set -euo pipefail ucsc_files=~{write_lines(ucsc_beds)} mv "~{calls_tsv}" . mv "~{stats_tsv}" . mv "~{cyto_file}" . cat $ucsc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mv -t . sed -i 's/^.*\///' $ucsc_files summary_plot.R \ --pdf "~{filebase}.summary.pdf" \ --stats "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" \ --calls "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" awk -F "\t" 'NR==FNR && FNR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i} NR==FNR && FNR>1 {sample_id=$(f["sample_id"]); call_rate=$(f["call_rate"]); baf_auto=$(f["baf_auto"])} NR==FNR && FNR>1 && (call_rate<~{call_rate_thr} || baf_auto>~{baf_auto_thr}) {xcl[sample_id]++} NR>FNR && FNR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) g[$i] = i; print} NR>FNR && FNR>1 {sample_id=$(g["sample_id"]); len=$(g["length"]); p_arm=$(g["p_arm"]); q_arm=$(g["q_arm"]); bdev=$(g["bdev"]); rel_cov=$(g["rel_cov"]); lod_baf_phase=$(g["lod_baf_phase"]); type=$(g["type"]); if (lod_baf_phase=="nan") lod_baf_phase=0} NR>FNR && FNR>1 && !(sample_id in xcl) && rel_cov>0.5 && type!~"^CNP" && ( len>5e6 + 5e6 * (p_arm!="N" && q_arm!="N") || len>5e5 && (bdev<1/10 && rel_cov<2.5) && lod_baf_phase>10 || rel_cov<2.1 && lod_baf_phase>10 )' \ "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" > "~{basename(calls_tsv, ".tsv")}.filtered.tsv" pileup_plot.R \ --cytoband "~{basename(cyto_file)}" \ --pdf "~{filebase}.pileup.pdf" \ --stats "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" \ --calls "~{basename(calls_tsv, ".tsv")}.filtered.tsv" rm "~{basename(calls_tsv, ".tsv")}.filtered.tsv" cat $ucsc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 cat | \ awk '{if ($0~"^track") track=$0; else bed[track]=bed[track]$0"\n"} END {for (track in bed) printf track"\n"bed[track]}' > "~{filebase}.ucsc.bed" rm "~{basename(calls_tsv)}" rm "~{basename(stats_tsv)}" rm "~{basename(cyto_file)}" cat $ucsc_files | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm >>> output { File ucsc_bed = filebase + ".ucsc.bed" File summary_pdf = filebase + ".summary.pdf" File pileup_pdf = filebase + ".pileup.pdf" } runtime { docker: docker cpu: cpu disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD" memory: memory + " GiB" preemptible: preemptible maxRetries: maxRetries } }