Supplementary Data

The following data resources are provided as part of our manuscript

Handsaker RE, Van Doren V, Berman JR, Genovese G, Kashin S, Boettger LM, McCarroll SA
Large multiallelic copy number variations in humans
PMID: 25621458

If you have questions, contact Bob Handsaker (handsake at broad institute dot org).

CNV Browser

Bulk Data Access

Unphased CNV genotypes

1000G_phase1_cnv_genotypes_unphased_25Jul2014.genotypes.vcf.gz (VCF, 127Mb)
1000G_phase1_cnv_genotypes_unphased_25Jul2014.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi (tabix index, 133Kb)

Phased CNV genotypes (beagle4)

1000G_phase1_cnv_genotypes_phased_25Jul2014.genotypes.vcf.gz (VCF, 1.7Mb)
1000G_phase1_cnv_genotypes_phased_25Jul2014.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi (tabix index, 109Kb)

ddPCR validation data

1000G_phase1_cnv_ddpcr_data.tar.gz (tar archive, 350Kb)